[ What in tarnation is this? ]

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In the middle of the afternoon, when the burning heat and illumination from the sun shine, there are innumerable flashing and dazzling lights that appear brighter than the rays of the sun, gradually appearing one by one, glistening all around the land. from above.

When the dazzling lights descended on the earth as if picking up a soul, they rapidly flew to a specific area and location in Luzon.

The area in question is an arena where thousands of people can be accommodated without issues thanks to its enormous space, The MOA Arena.

The siblings' bodies can be seen slowly growing from head to toe as the bright light that carried them a while ago falls into the heart of the stadium.

From the looks of it, MOA appears to have been repurposed into a lobby room for the Awakened before they begin the tutorial.

White and Zia's consciousness gradually returns, and as they open their eyes, they're greeted by a surreal scene in which numerous bright lights appear and are radiated within these individuals while people emerge from these.

Because of the uncomfortable sensation that he was experiencing, White instinctively put his head down and almost vomited on the spot.

'Ugh...Teleportation...' White then wiped his lips as he stood up.

Just a few minutes later, the Arena is slowly filling up with people and the scene of people talking and buzzing around feels nostalgic.

"And now we just wait until the announcement or whatever comes up." Zia muttered.

White was checking his clothes and items to see if something was missing when Zia inquired "Don't you want to find a spot for us to sit first?" as she examines their surroundings, "Instead of just standing and waiting here. ( +_+)" she added.

"Alright. Hmmm..."

Although the multitude of people in the Arena made it difficult for White to find any unoccupied areas, his keen vision caught a glimpse of a particular spot that was nearly clear of people.

White quickly stated, "Let's go there since it's not too crowded." He pointed to an area of the Stadium with seats and benches to lean on.

As the siblings strides towards the pointed location, White notices some unusual people surrounding them while they're on their way to their destination.

The young man noticed that there were people wearing unusual clothes.

Some of the garments worn by those individuals appear to be antique or primitive, whereas others are damaged and have numerous wounds on their flesh.

He assumes that the people wearing unique garments are of another ethnicity, akin to old Filipinos, while those who are covered with bruises and injuries acquired them from the monsters they've encountered.

Another thing is, different kinds of speech or dialect can be noticed that people pronounce on their lips but for some reason, they still understand one other.

"oy kabalo ka unsa nahi..."

"nanu nanna mengyare keng.."

"naunsa man ning kalibuta...."

"Oy ayos ka lang..."


"Ha-i naman adtong...."

'It seems like everything is being translated automatically.' he mumbled.

As he was getting distracted by these unusual discoveries, White suddenly blurted out his thoughts "It is convenient, not gonna lie."

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