[ First Wave Cleared! ]

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*Sssshhiikkk* *creak* *ksskk*

A subtle but horrifying screech could be heard in the distance. This was followed by fissures in space, which were followed by an intense burst of lightning, indicating that something gradually emerged from within.

That 'something' that was opening was almost comparable with the void-like pathway that had appeared in the sky where the monsters descended, razed their residences, and massacred people, although on a lesser scale.

After seeing this phenomenon, some people were frozen in fear.

White's sister was not an exception.

The first wave began with a monster slowly emerging from the void-like corridor.

A creature that looks like a human but is a monster at the same time.

[ (Level 1): Amalanhig ]

[ Monster Details: Amalanhig or Maranhig, according to the old myths, they are creatures in Visayan mythology, particularly among Hiligaynon speaking groups.]

[ Amalanhig are Aswangs who failed to transfer their monstrosity causing them to rise from their graves to kill humans by biting their necks. ]

Basically, failure or defective vampires.

The wave started with 30 or so [ (Level 1): Amalanhig ] monsters coming out from the passageway.

Someone suddenly shouted from the back.

"Get a grip, everyone! There are only a few enemies in front of us. As long as we defeat them, we can survive this hell!!!"

When they heard this, the Warriors eased down one by one, and their resolve grew as they realized the number of monsters that were attacking them now.
Their spirit was restored, and they started a counterattack.
The siblings also began to move.

After a quick exchange of glances and nods, they dashed in the opposite direction in order to catch a number of monsters trying to entice them out of their positions.

White strode in arcs around the creature, slashing its wrists and heels neatly one after another.

He used this to temporarily impair the monster's mobility before severing its neck.

'Good thing that we've practiced beforehand.'

During the days before the teleportation into the MOA arena, they developed strategies for various instances like this to essentially suppress the monster's mobility, allowing for easier executions.

After getting 2 more kills, a small notification pops up in front of him and informs that his level has risen by 1.

'Good start. Let's try to level up as much as I can.'

"Ia! Can you handle that side?" White yelled while playing catch with 2 more [ Amalanhig ]

"Yes kuya!" answered the girl as she thrust the monster's below.


Although technically the monster's thing was stabbed by her, White and other male Warriors appeared to feel pain when they saw it.

'Don't mess with her' is what's running in their minds right now.

The siblings already agreed to hunt separately to level up faster earlier, and he now gives his sister a signal to execute their plan.

Because they were already accustomed to their abilities even before the tutorial began, they are now currently breaking through either side of the area and speedrunning through the first group of monsters.

New Light! [ English ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن