01 | Conscription Day

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*+•~——~•+ꕺ+•~——~•+*    "Anything you can do- I can do bleeding

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"Anything you can do- I can do bleeding." - Asael Pierce.


I stare at myself in the mirror, studying my features. My mothers features. I clench my jaw and pick up the blade beside the sink, taking a handful of brown hair in my hand. I cut off at least eight inches, I look at myself in the mirror as I drag the blade down strands of hair, creating layers. I glide the blade over that patch of silver hair behind my ear, breathing deeply.

    Long hair was a liability, but cutting it meant my rebellion relic was out in the open, exposed. At least with long hair I could somewhat hide the whirls of black that wrapped around my bicep, curved over my shoulder and trailed off near the nape of my neck. Now, the whole world could see it.

    When i'm done, the longest part of my hair ends at my jaw. I adjust my riding leathers and lace up my boots, taking a deep breath. I look at myself in the mirror, really look.

   "All that stands between me and Graduation is hundreds of people that want to kill me for even existing, and a dragon."  I tell myself.

I brace myself against the sink, hanging my head and staring that the ground.

"I'm so fucked."

    I take one last look at myself before grabbing my rucksack off of the floor and stepping into the dimly lit hallway.

    I stop in front of my - now old - room. I try not to glance at the small bed on the other side of the room that used to belong to her - so I stare out the window. Dark grey clouds litter the sky, raindrops already slide down the foggy glass.

    I make my way to the line of people standing outside the Riders Quadrant entrance. Some are dressed in rider black, likely marked with a rebellion relic.

    I glance at those wearing their normal clothes and smooth soled shoes.

"I guess knowing you have no choice but to enter the Riders Quadrant has its perks. At least we're supplied with decent clothes and shoes." I think to myself.

    I keep my head down, not wanting to draw any attention. I was taller than most of the females, and I likely had more muscle than even some of the men, but attention was the last thing I needed right now.

"I just need to make it through the day."

    The line filed through the large door. Soon, I stood before a small woman in scribe colors. She was taking roll of all of those who were now entering the Riders Quadrant- I give her my name and start to make my way up the stairs.

    The stairs don't have a rail- If you fall then you're likely dead. Everyone clings to the wall as we climb the hundreds of steps, I try to focus on my breathing, on the cool cobblestone beneath my fingertips.

    Finally, we make it to the top. Howling winds and dark clouds greet us. The rain pelts me, stinging my bare cheeks. I spot a small figure in the corner of my eye and I turn to see a small woman with long blonde hair, shes scrambling to gather what looks to be her items scattered across the wet stone. The sound of bitter laughing comes from the line ahead, but is soon drowned out by the wind.

    I look between the girl and the line. Foolishly, I go to her. I quickly pick up her things, snatching her bag from her hands and shoving everything in. I ignore the confused and slightly frightened look shes giving me, I take her arm and stand up. The line is moving- i'm getting more than a few confused looks from people, but I ignore them.

I look down at the girl who's cowering before me.

"What's your name?" I shout over the howling wind, still gripping her arm as if she could get blown away any second.

"Viviana!" She shouts back, wariness still in her eyes.

"Viviana, do you know what you're doing?" I shout.

"No.." Somehow, I feel as though I can almost hear her voice cracking over the wind.

"Okay. Don't worry, I'm gonna help you." I say, dragging her back into line with me.

I ignore the groans of annoyance coming from those behind us, I take my bag off and hand it to her.

"Here! Mines lighter than yours." I say, obviously not thinking clearly.

She only nods, her eyes wide and full of fear. Gods- shes tiny. She must be nearly a foot shorter than me, and as thin as a blade of grass. I glance down at her shoes. They're made of a thin cloth, and the soles are smooth.

I curse under my breath before taking off my shoes.

"W-what are you doing?" She asks.

I bend down and stuff my socks into the toe of my shoes, hoping to make them as tight as possible.

"Take your shoes off!" I shout over the wind.

"What?!" Her eyes widen even more.

"Take them off!" I shout.

She does as I say and I slip my boots onto her feet. They're a bit big, but she has a much better chance. I tie her shoelaces together and throw the shoes around my neck, pulling her rucksack onto my back.

"Get a move on!" A male voice shouts from the line behind us.

"Then go around!" I bark.

They start filing around us. My heartbeat is at a full gallop and my head is pounding. Viviana looks up at me, her eyes filled with fear.

"Why are you helping me?" She shouted over the wind.

I was silent.

We got back in line, getting closer and closer to the parapet. We got to the rider taking names, she looked audibly surprised at the frail girl standing before her, and took her name.

Viviana turned back to face me. I gripped her by the shoulders.

"Don't look down!" I said.

She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.

"You'll make it!" I said, making her face forwards again.

She stepped onto the parapet, I was certain that the wind would sweep her away.

I stared after her, the rider taking the names spoke.

"I really hope she makes it, because you just gave her all of your shit." She said nonchalantly. She looked down at my bare feet.

"And your shoes." She shook her head.

Realization hit me. I just gave this random girl all of my things, and my shoes. And she probably won't even make it to the other side.

I cursed myself over and over again, shaking my head.

"I'm so fucked."

The rider asked for my name.

"Asaela Pierce." I shouted over the wind, staring at the parapet before me. The taste of bile crept up my throat, but I swallowed it down.

"Pierce, huh?" She asked like she had heard of me.

I nodded.

"Well, Asaela. Good luck." She said.

I'll definitely need it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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