Chapter 4

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I woke up with a headache. Groaning, I got up and did my daily routine.(Her outfit is on the side)
After getting ready, I went downstairs and ate breakfast.
I put a piece of bread in the toaster and got out a plate,knife, and Nutella.
I sat on the couch, remembering I have to pretend to be Matt's girlfriend.
Ugh why did I say yes
Oh yeah, because of the money
I rolled my eyes at my own dumbness and got up and took the bread out of the toaster and spread Nutella on it.
I ate my breakfast while watching Twaimz's YouTube videos.
I finished my breakfast, put away my plate and ran upstairs to my bathroom and brushed my teeth.
I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs and out the door.
As I was walking to my car, I heard someone yell my name.
I looked around and noticed Matt calling me over.
I hesitated before walking over to him.
"What's up?"
"Get in"
"Get in the car"
"I have my own car"
"I know, I'm not blind"
"So why do you want me to get in your car?"
"Because we're 'dating'"
"Doesn't mean I can't take my own damn car to school"
"Alyssa, stop arguing with me and get in"
"Fine, I guess you left me no choice"
He opened the door and picked me up.
"No, you weren't listening to me"
"Just please let me take my car"
He put me down on the seat and closed the door.
Son of a bitch
He got in and started driving.
"You're such a bitch"
"I know"
"I fucking hate you"
"Nah. You love me"
"Hell no bitch"
"Are you sure?"
He stopped talking as we got to school. He parked his car and as I was about to open the door, he grabbed my wrist.
"We have to be together"
"We have to walk together"
He opened his door and got out and jogged over to my side and opened the door.
I got out and looked at him.
"Why are you looking at me?"
"I don't know. What are we suppose to do now?"
"Hold hands"
"But people will stare"
"They already are"
I looked around and realized everyone in the parking lot was staring at us.
I blushed and looked down. Matt took my hand and held it.
We started waking towards the door, side by side, holding hands.
He dropped my hands and opened to front entrance.
"Ladies first"
"Then go"
"Matt" I mocked him and walked in.
I walked over to my locker and took my stuff out.
I closed my locker and noticed Matt wasn't there.
I looked around, but saw no sign of Matt.
Maybe he went to the washroom
I sighed and saw Jack and Marie a few feet from me.
"Jack! Marie!"
They looked at me and walked over.
"Hey" I greet them
"Hey" said Marie.
"So are you and Matt a thing now?" Asked Jack.
"Well yeah...kind's hard to explain"
There was an awkward silence.
"Have you seen him though?"
"Wait, you don't know?"
"What don't I know?"
"Amerie and your so called boyfriend got in his car and made out"
Marie's words hit me like a truck.
He ditched me to go make out with that slut
Why do I care?
Should I care?
I don't know anymore
"O-oh.....are they still making out?"
"Yeah..." Jack said quietly.
"Whatever" I say, ignoring the pain.
*Bell rings*
"Hey, see you guys at lunch?"
"Yup. We'll meet you there"
As they headed of to their class, I also headed off to mine.
Why do I care if he makes out with her?
It's not like we're actually dating
We're just pretending
I sat down and opened my textbook.
I tried concentrating but my mind always leads back to my question.
Why do I care?
Well, that was a short and sucky chapter...I'm sorry..
K well I'm tired...byeeeee

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