Chapter 3

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Sitting there uncomfortably, they both held eye contact for a few seconds. And before the teacher could even taunt the new student, Ji-hoon, they quickly broke the eye contact before both of them could embarrass theirselves.

"Ji-hoon, tell a little about yourself." The teacher spoke, Ji-hoon nodded politely as he grunted from being startled by the teacher.

"I am Park Ji-hoon as you all know. I like motorcycles, sunsets and such.. i hope we can get along well." He showed a soft smile, brightening up the room, the girls fell in love at first sight.

Whispers were heard from the girls, "Too bad! My string isn't attached to his..", "he's so handsome! Maybe in another universe our strings are attached.." the girls dreamt of being his soulmate, leaving them curious as soon as they figured that none of them were his soulmate.

Little do they know.. Jeun-wo was HIS soulmate, but even though it would increase his reputation, he kept his mouth shut.

"Sit wherever you want." The teacher said, Ji-hoon smiled politely, his foot steps going across the room, each girl fantasizing about him as he passes by. He then stops, standing between two seats. He then pulls the chair and sits on in, sighing as he brushed his pants as soon as he touched the seat.

Jeun-wo's heart thumped, blushing in embarrassment. He becomes furious, "Why does it have to be this seat, out of all the empty chairs?!" But of course there was no way he would say that in-front of ji-hoon. He composes himself eventually, taking a deep breath, only for him to inhale his strong and annoying pheromones, making him choke on his own saliva and coughing as he covers his mouth

Ji-hoon, however, worried and looked directly at Jeun-wo. "are you okay?" He asked in a calm yet concerned voice, although it wasn't any of his business, he reached his hand out to help Jeun-wo.

"I'M FINE!-" he said out loud, silencing the whole classroom. He became embarrassed, rushing to stand up as his hands slammed on his table, looking right at the teacher.

"I have to go to the bathroom, teach." He ran off, the teacher didn't even say anything yet.. in the hallway, he starts running faster, hiding himself in the bathroom stall after embarrassing himself right in front of the classroom.

"It was all That stupid Ji-hoon's fault!". He whispered, stomping on the floor as he covered his face with his hands. He didn't want it to be his fault, so he blamed Ji-hoon instead, although he did know he was responsible for it. He sighs, wailing as he glared at the ceiling.

He sat there, on the toilet seat for a few minutes to calm down before heading back to class. As soon as he was about to slide the lock, unlocking the stall, he hears footsteps slowly getting louder, he gets startled and immediately locks the stall, going back to the toilet seat.

His string was getting closer, it must be Ji-hoon. He groaned softly and ignored him, waiting until he left..

But now that it's been a few minutes, the string was still in front of the stall. He shivered in fear, why wouldn't Ji-hoon leave him alone?! He gets tired of it, eventually. He quickly opens the door only to see Ji-hoon standing there in front of him.

"I'm outside of the stall now. happy?" His sarcasm saving him from fear, his eyes narrowed, slowly looking up until he saw Ji-hoon's face.

"Wow.. I didn't know he was that tall.." he thought to himself. Ji-hoon looked a little bit flustered, and gloomy. Ji-hoon sighed, his hand reaching for his neck, rubbing it as he looks at the opposite direction of where Jeun-wo's face was.

"I'm sorry if i made you mad, i was just worried about you." He grunted, the guilt in his eyes, his soft breathing, his messy yet clean hair, his body movement felt smooth and honest..

Thats how Jeun-wo described Ji-hoon.

Jeun-wo felt guilty too, he groans, nose twitching as he finally decided to forgive Ji-hoon. "It's okay." Was all that he could say.

"Really?" Ji-hoon's face brightened, Jeun-wo has never seen an alpha act like rainbows and sunshine.. but somehow.. it turned him on like a light swi-

"Anyway, just go back to class."

"Aren't you going with me?" Ji-hoon asked curiously, while Jeun-wo shook his head. "No. I don't wanna be seen with such a wimpy alpha." Ji-hoon felt offended and hurt, but didn't mind it. He just nodded and headed back to class.. leaving Jeun-wo standing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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