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After thousands of years of peace, a new threat appeared, Honkai. Many people were killed by these mindless monsters, so Buddha sent humanity's best hope, Sun Wukong.

Buddha: Wukong, you shall go to the Earth below and destroy those mindless beasts.

Wukong: Of course

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Wukong: Of course. Where exactly are they, though?

Buddha: They are everywhere. Find a woman named Mei. She will give you the answers you seek.

Wukong: Then I'll disguise myself first and then go to her.

Buddha: Farewell, Wukong.

Wukong: Until we meet again, Buddha.

Wukong flies to the world below on his cloud. When he arrived, he saw an army of Honkai surrounding a small handful of scientists. Wukong took the form of a human and landed below.

???: Looks like you guys could use a hand.

Scientist: Who are you?

Scientist: Who are you?

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Y/n: The name's Y/n. I'll take care of these Honkai myself.

Y/n charged towards the Honkai and swung his staff at the Honkai. They turned to ashes as he hit them with his staff. This surprised most of the scientists while catching the attention of two. In no time, the Honkai were defeated, and Y/n didn't even break a sweat.

Scientist: How were you able to take out all those Honkai on your own?

Y/n: Years of training.

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Monkey King in the World of Honkai Where stories live. Discover now