Chapter 10 - I'll Stay

Start from the beginning

"it's terrible... why didn't you tell us, too is it because I'm your friend that's why my bestfriend will have have a worse consequences because of me?! " Yeoryeong burst into tear, and I felt terrible that she had blamed herself.

Dan-I grasped my hands gently and tried to reassure me.

"No... It's not because you're my friend; it's that I'm afraid of what could happen if I told everyone the truth. I don't want to ruin anything that's why I remained silent. I know you were my friend but... " I said, unable to express my feelings of guilt at my deception.

"Both of you suffered so much." Yeoryeong held my and Dan-I's hands. "I will do my best to give you both happiness. I am always grateful that both of you are by my side, so this time, I will be there for you as well. I will be by your side until death do us part."

I hugged Dan-I and Yeoryeong, relieved to have received her words of reassurance. I felt refreshed, like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, as my anxiety slowly faded away. I couldn't tell them the exact truth, but I was content with the way things were, knowing they still cared for me.



I stare into the mirror in the bathroom, my eyes swollen and red from crying, but it felt refreshing in a way, like the pain had been lifted from my shoulders. I'd cried a lot, but I couldn't deny the sense of relief that had come with it.

I step out of the bathroom, and Chunyoung was waiting for me. I looked at him, but he spoke before I could say anything.

"I'm sorry, Haera..." He began, his words catching me off-guard.

"The reason you want to study abroad... I get it now... The reason why you're trying to avoid us... I get it... That's why I'm sorry for getting mad at you..." He finished, moving ahead and looking back at me.

"I understand." I managed to reply as i added  "So It's okay, Chunyoung. I understand that you were angry that time I'm sorry for not telling you" I concluded, trying to lighten the mood.

"If you want to study abroad, that's okay. I wouldn't get angry at you... I would fully understand... But I'll wait for you until you come back to us." Chunyoung said, his voice trembling with fear.

"Why would you wait?" I asked, stunned by his words.

"Because I know waiting for you is worth it..." He explained as he added "It will make you relieved if were away.. But still  we are here for you..." He continued, his words filling me with a sense of warmth and gratitude.

I smiled as my eye's felt hot

"You don't have to wait," I told him gently, holding his hand and smiling. "I will stay with you, with Yeoryeong and Dan-I, and with the rest of everyone, we will create good memories that we can cherish. We will stay together and grow together."

I replied as he smiled


We walked back into the living room to find everyone startled and in a mess, with Yeoryeong holding Dan-I's clothes and crying. Suddenly, the door opens, and we were shocked to see Yeodan.

He looked to us as he reached into his bag and pulled out chocolate milk, which he gave to Yeoryeong and Dan-I. They both took it as everyone just stared at Yeodan.

Yeodan looked around at everyone, who was still shocked and baffled. He turned to the boys by our side and said "I only have three..." Yeo-Dan replied, "We're fine!" The four all responded.

Yeodan continued to look around, before finally turning his attention towards me. He gave me a strawberry milk, which I took, surprised.

"You told me you want to try Strawberry milk, right? So I bought you some," he said

I had said that. Remembered that I had said that during our grocery shopping


Yeodan was pushing the shopping cart while we were browsing the beverages aisle.

"Ohh... The strawberry milk is sold out..." I said, with a gloomy expression.

"Strawberry milk?" Yeodan asked, looking at me as I nodded.

""Ah, my friend told me it was delicious and popular, but I guess it's sold out because it's so popular these days." I said with a sad expression.

"I'll buy you strawberry milk if I find it" he said, and I smiled at his words.

"Haha, sure, but chocolate milk is still the best!" I replied, but I was just slightly biased.


"You remembered..." I said, grateful for his kindness.

His face was flushed, possibly due to being drunk, which was interesting. He then asked us "Did you three fight?"

"We didn't fight, Yeodan. I was just telling Yeoryeong and Haera that we'll still be friends, even in high school. After I said that, both of them were touched." Dan-I explained to Yeodan, who looked relieved.

"Is that so?" He asked, his tone showing that he was satisfied with the situation.

"Let's all stay together and be friends for life, no matter what happens." Dan-I held my hand and Yeoryeong's hand, as she began to cry and he wiped her tears.

We all nodded in agreement, a symbol of our friendship and unity, determined to remain by each other's side, no matter what comes our way.

We will hold together...


A/N : I'm happy that the story has reached 1K+ readers with nine chapters so far. Thank you all who have been reading and supporting this story, it makes me very happy.

I'll continue to try my best to continue this story until the end!

So this is the question of the readers who message me...

Q - Is Chunyoung is The male lead??? "

A - well I'm planning to make a new character and that character will be the male lead but I still don't know maybe not because I'm lazy...

Q - What is Haera's Birthday?

A - Kang Haera's birthday is April 22 1994 spring. so advance happy birthday to our main character! She's the second oldest than Yeoryeong and Dan-I is the oldest one.

Q - What is Haera's favorite food?

A - Haera's favorite food is tteokbokki but she like sweet things like Chocolates

Q - Haera's favorite Colors?

A - Blue because its calm colors or more than that Haha

Q - When will you release new chapter??

A - Well every Sunday, but i was late so i just release the chapter 9 yesterday I was busy...

Q - did you even think the ending?

A - Yeah the ending was quite wholesome and I'll cut some of the chapters to make it shorter I'm lazy fo write some of the scene I'm sorryy.

Q - Why Haera's parents abuse Her

A - Hmm...because her adopted parent was abuser they just adopt her to abuse her.

Q - Will you make a new fanfic story?

A - Sure I would love too, to create a new fanfic so recommend me one!

That's all the questions! Once again thankyou and stay tunned!

Spoiler : The chapter 11 will be ruda's first appearance!

I release this chapted today because I might forget.


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