Project Sekai: The Forsaken One's Part 3(The Bloody Finale) Trailer

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"At the right time, at the right place, under the premise that we have the advantage, we'll take Shibuya as hostage"

"This will be executed on October 31st in Shibuya so we can force the Authorities to lure Yui Shiraishi and end her once and for all along with the remnants of her henchmen"

"And then after that. . .we'll make sure the world will continue to live in ignorance as we erased the knowledge of the Sekai and those who owned the said sekai to the world to protect the owners"

"Special Sekai: Shibuya"

You are my Special~

At the Streets of Shibuya Scramble Crossing People suddenly turned into multiple sekai triangle and some merging together to form multiple Gashadokuro's, catching the police stationed there by surprise with them immediately running for there live or shooting at the Gashadokuro's as the latter uses there hands to crush and turned the police into triangles as they devoured those said triangles while others climbers at the buildings causing property damage

You are my Special~

Then a 500m dome was formed with it's epicenter being in the Shibuya Scramble Crossing and on top of it is a pink eye watching on top of the dome, then a 1000m dome being formed with the first 500m dome being the epicenter and lastly 3000m dome surrounding the 1000m dome at it's epicenter making the domes cover 4500m of land with more than tens to hundreds of thousands of people being take as hostages

With that we can see Tsukasa, Ichika, and Minori standing at the 3rd Dome that was placed with multiple police and military personnel at there packs at they make plans on how to save the people with Airi and Yui(due circumstances) given command to escort Tsukasa, Ichika, and Minori in the domes as their Miku versions telling them a way to create a small opening to the domes

At the House of Neutrality we can see 

In the domes we can see Kohane preparing her sniper rifle, An polishing her swords, Toya checking his gun's ammo as he survey's the 500m dome in a safe distance in building and Akito talking to the Librarian in the Merged Fragmented Sekai

You are my Special~

Can you make a mess of things?~

Devour anything and everything to your heart's content!~

As they entered the 3000m they we're attacked by zombies of the dead people Akito and his group killed with the Military and police personnel being shot in some parts of the body that won't kill but prevent them from fighting by Kohane who is in a building in the 500m dome as Akito gave her bullets access to leave the domes to shot their targets true with many of Yui's remaining henchmen being bloody devoured by the zombies with Yui engaging them by slashing them by using her sword after she ran out of ammo

A rendezvous in this eternally migrating maze! 

So much it's dizzying!


We can see Airi eyes widening in horror as she was pushed by Minori who sheds a tear before getting got cut into a million pieces like the other police personnel and people inside the 2nd dome that has many eyes that came from the librarian who was replace by the figure of Mafuyu's Mother crying in despair and begging someone stop this madness for a second before retuning to the librarian with her bloodied corpse being turned into triangles with Airi cursing Akito's name and shouting why to him 

A world that revolves in a haze!

No! No! No! Don't be so composed!

In this rendezvous in this eternally migrating maze!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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