Project Sekai: The Forsaken One's Part 2

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Three Years later

Beginning of the Winter Year of 2027 in Japan

December 1

Somewhere in the streets of Shibuya

We see a 23 year old young man with sharp grey eyes and a mole under the corner of his left eye, hair short and bicolored, with its right side dark blue, and on the left is light blue. He is currently wearing a grey trench coat and has a blue scarf on his neck, walking on the streets of Shibuya as it starts to snow slowly but surely, he's currently holding a paperback that can contains a cake

His Name is Toya Aoyagi, but is now known as Toya Tenma after a trial for his custody by the Tenma Family against the Aoyagi Family

When Toya was still an Aoyagi, his last name was praised due to his father being a famous classical musician. Because of his father's reputation, when he was old enough, he started practicing the instruments along with his two older brothers, specifically piano and violin

With that, his father would isolate and force him to study classical music at all hours of the day, causing him to despise his father, and by association, the entirety of classical music to the point when his father would hurt him when he disobeyed him

But it all came to a stop when the Tenma Family, who helped him to practice piano and were the most kindest people to him, had enough and took Toya's abusive father to court in 2021 and they wanted to remove Toya from the Aoyagi Family's Custody, which would result to their reputation being in ruins, and considering how well known the Aoyagi name is in the classical music world, it's entirely possible the entire Aoyagi family will be blacklisted for this

And because of that risk, his father hired the best lawyers possible to win but with the help of the Tenma's helping him to answer whatever was thrown to him by his father's lawyer, the Aoyagi Family was found guilty of the charge of breaking the Child Welfare Law, Child Abuse Prevention Law, and Article 222 of the Penal Code that were made and enforced to protect him and other children that were abused

As Toya became a Tenma, just before his father left, he said his last words to him before leaving the courtroom

"Tch, You wasted your potential for this kind of attention, pathetic"

He didn't mind what his former father said to him, he is glad that he is free from all the harsh training and punishment and is now slowly adjusting to becoming a new family member of the Tenma's. But he never plays the piano or violin again after that because to him, these instruments will make him remember his harsh training before he became a Tenma. His now older siblings, Tsukasa Tenma and Saki Tenma, are helping him to slowly recover from the trauma and managed to convinced Toya to play the piano during Saki's Graduation at Miyamasuzaka Girls' Academy along with Saki herself and her band, Leo/Need which was made by her and childhood friends that she managed to bring back together after she left the hospital

Though many things had happened before and after Saki's graduation, for example, the death of Ena Shinonome, Kanade Yoisaki and Mafuyu Asahina which Honami, Ichika, Nene and many others that knew them, mourned their deaths with Honami taking the most toll. Toya witnesses Honami talking to the younger sibling of the surviving Shinonome, now Akiyama Akito. The Major thing that occurred in his life is during his time playing as a pianist in Tsukasa's troupe Wonderland's X Showtime on a play in Osaka, Tsukasa revealed to him and to the public about how there troupe was formed due to a Sekai created by his brother and his troupe's feelings and monitored by 6 of the most known Vocaloids, known as Virtual Singers in Japan to help them spread joy through there music, with 2 others having a sekai aswell which was his sister's band and More More Jump

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