- Realization of a Camra -

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Warning: This has some internal conflict in the mind and other mental stuff

Scottie foot pushed down on the gas more and more as she sped faster without realizing it. Her body was shaking but no tears shown.

She slammed on the brakes outside of the Freddy's location and didn't care to lock the car or even turn it off as she bolted inside.

The place was empty of any people and as a surprising chill in the air.

"Scottie! Scottie!" She called, her voice shaking as though she's been crying.

"Scottie?" The white phone she was looking for emerged, after a second of looking at her camera friend, she inhaled sharply.

"Thank god your okay! W-why is your location shutting down? What will happen to you?"

"F-Fallon?" Scottie asked, advancing slowly.

"Fallon? No, it's me, Scottie. Are you okay?" She took a step forward, worried for the phone.

Scottie ran up and wrapped her arms around Scottie neck in a hug.


"Fallon! Remember me? It's me, Olivia! Your girlfriend! Remember how we worked at Freddy's together!"

"What? No. Our names are Scottie. I think you hit your head, you should sit down." Scottie said, pushing Scottie off her.

"How can I pro-" Scottie grabbed a necklace from around her neck and placed it in Scottie hand, "You bought this for me. You saved up for weeks. Please!"

Scottie stared at it, feeling like the necklace was familiar. A wash of memories flooded back.

Nights when her and Olivia would cuddle and watch a movie, Olivia always picked the movie and Fallon, the movie.

Evenings when they'd be walking in a park and get yelled at by the same guy every time. To the point that they only went on that trail because it was fun fighting with him.

Their little talks right before work ended, always caught by their phones.

"I- no! Stop! I'm just a camera headed boss!" Fallon threw the necklace back to Olivia.

The game where they would hide peppers in each other's food. When they'd always check their food out of habit.

"Please! There's nothing wrong with my programming! I-I'm not faulty!" Fallon gripped the sides of her head.

"Fal- Scottie. I went through the same thing. I can help." She reached out her hand.

She'd always wear Olivia's sweatshirts when Olivia was gone visiting family or friends. They'd always wanted to get a cat named Alfur.

"Love ya, Liv!"

Fallon slowly backed away, memories and feelings appearing, overlapping memories she thought she were real.

"Scottie." Olivia creeped forward.

Times when the two would craft together, beading bracelets and necklaces for fun, or painting together.

"Stay... S-Stay back. Don't come closer." Fallon stated, pointing at Olivia with shaking hands. Liv stopped and her phone face somehow showed sadness. Pity? Regretful?

Everything Fallon thought was real- her life, wasn't real. Nothing she remembered was real. She wasn't real.


Idk, trama camera 🎥

So ye, Camy is Fallon and Scottie is Olivia


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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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