After Preformance

11 0 2

Warning: hitting with a cane,

The surrounding crowd of kids that were way to close to comfort, touching your suit with their sticky hands.

You look over to Luna, she's having the same problem as the two of you try to make your way to the safe room.

This kid, no older then 6 came waddling up to Luna with its cheeto or dorito covered fingers outstretched to touch Luna.

The raven raised her cane and whacked the kid, sending it running as is bawled it's eyes out. The kids around Luna backed away a little with respect.

Camy almost instantly came marching up to her, "Lu- Eclipse! Meet me in my office." She whispered loudly and sternly.

And with that, the two of you made your way back down the hallway, following the camera headed manager.

Camy leads Luna into the office. And once again, you spy.

"Luna. No whacking the kids. I'm not wanting get this place shut down. And if your hitting the kids, we loose business, without that money, I can't run this place." Camy stated

And Luna bonked Camy in the head with her came. No words, just the strike of the cane.

"Luna! Please. Stop hitting people with the cane. I can take it away." The camera headed boss took a few steps backwards, possibly scared of being hit harder.

Luna just pulled the cane close and looked at Camy.

"You can go back to the safe room. One more strike with the cane and you loose your privileges!"

You hurry over and into the safe room as you hear Luna approaching the door, taking as much of your suit off as possible.

Once she came through the door you slowed down taking off your suit, watching her make her way to the parts and service.

The black bird disappeared into the dark room before the door closed behind her.

You continue to take off your suit, removing the death trap from surrounding your body.

Well, yet again you have just a few minutes to do something before you need to meet with the camera. Maybe you could clean up the closet for extra pay?

Eh, might as well be productive of some sort. But, then you'd have to walk back here in just a few minutes.

Whatever, janitor's closet it is. You leave the room and make your way back to the main room. And remember how there's a sea of kiddos blocking your path.

You try navigating through the crowd, weaving around the tables to make you over to bathrooms and janitors closet.

After finally reach the doorway, opening the door and remembering how dirty the closet was.

Well, get to work I guess. You need to pay off bills.


Congratulations, you cleaned up the closet poorly. Anyways what time it is? Oh shit, it's 6:09, your nine minutes late to talk to Camy.

You hurry down the small hallway to the empty, dark dining room, running past the chairs and down to the hallway but you stop, noticing the white phone girl from earlier outside, with Camy!

The two were talking, standing across from each other, when Scottie wrapped her arms around Camy.

The camera embraced the phone. Her dark grey head contrasted from the white, the forest green from the black.

You wanna go home so time to interrupt the tech-heads!

"Camy! I cleaned up the janitor closet!" You blurt as you push open the door, announcing your presence.

"Charlie!" Camy let's go and looks over to you, "Scottie, Charlie. Charlie, Scottie." She introduced them.

"Ah, Charlie! Nice to meet you." Scottie held out her hand for a handshake but you don't shake her hand.

You give a small wave to the phone before looking at Camy, expecting to get paid.

She picks up on this, "Oh, your pay! I'll give it to you when I pay you. I don't have anything at the moment... Sorry."

When do you even get your paycheck? How much do you even get paid? If it's anything over minimum wage, you can pay rent, you don't know about buying food though. You honestly could just steal from the kitchen here.

Now thinking about food reminded you about how hungry you are, hopefully you can find something to eat, seeing how you didn't eat today and you didn't have dinner yesterday.

"Kay, see you tomorrow Camy." You slightly wave a goodbye as you leave down the sidewalk.

Welp, time for food. Maybe you could make some ramen if there's a packet left. Chicken flavored ramen sounded good, with a glass of milk if the milk was still good, it expires today if you remember correctly.

You reach your house and reach into your pocket for the key but nothing was there.

"Shit." You mumble as you check your other pocket, nothing. Locked out of your own house, good job. That was sarcastic by the way.

"Shut the fuck up will ya."

Wow, it's like you don't even want to get inside, especially when it's going to raining tonight.

"No. Please, give me my key." You ask, still with anger in your tone.

Back doors almost never locked, remember?

"Oh, that's unlocked? I really should lock that." You remember as you make your way around the house to the back.

Your welcome Charlie.

"Ya, thanks." You roll your eyes at the narrator.

You reach the back and open the sliding glass door. Home at last. Closing and locking the door behind yourself.

And then immediately head over to the pantry, looking through it to see a basically empty bag of Fritos, a single Maruchan ramen packet, a box of Honey Nut Cheerios, and a few bags of chocolate chip muffins mix.

"If the milk isn't bad, I can make some muffins." You offer as you leave the pantry door open and open the fridge.

Grabbing the jug and unscrewing the cap, holding it up to your nose. Eh, good enough, you check the expiration date, two days ago...

You place the milk on the counter and close the fridge door, walking over to the oven and opening the compartment under it that housed the muffin and cake tins your mom brought you for a housewarming gift.

You take out the tin and close the drawer, putting it on the counter as well. Then a bag of the muffin mix, finally closing the pantry door.


You eat five out of the six to leave one left for tomorrow morning, heading back to your bed, you flop down onto the mattress.

You wrap the blanket over yourself, and fall asleep.

Tomorrows another day.


This may be random, but thank you so much for reading. I'm happy mine and my friend's characters are being recognized by people.

And I know I don't really describe stuff well but I'm mainly just writing this for fun. See you in the next chapter, another dream!

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