- Flames of Flumbus -

22 0 0

Warning: burning, fire, ambulance, unconsciousness

Flumbus runs down the hallway, the air barely getting into his lungs from the thick black smoke.

Before he noticed, the blast of flame burst into his face.

"AH!" He screamed shielding his eyes and backing away. Sometimes hot quickly crawled up his chest and he opened his eyes enough to spot the orange and yellow of the flame, forcing another scream.

He ran, trying to use wind to put out the fire but it grew, burning him, the pain overwhelming his senses, causing him to fall.

To his dismay, he dropped to more flames, boiling his skin and setting his clothes ablaze.

He screamed once more, trying to get away but the pain was to much and the smoke suppressed his breathing, causing a blackout.

The heat of his skin against the cold air around him.

"Wha" he forced out, the scent of smoke still lingering.

It was dark, orange flames in front of him with the flashes of red and blue to his left. Everything he could barely see, his eyes were in immense pain. The orphanage was on fire, burning to nothingness. He was just in there a moment ago, how'd he get here?

"Your awake! Hang in there little guy." Some voice said, Flumbus realized something was around his mouth and nose, feeding him cold air.

The weather was rather cold but some cooling blanket was around his as well.

But a wave of pain flooded through him again, pushing out tears as white floods over him as he's pushed into the back of an ambulance.


Flumbus's backstory!

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