Chapter 6: Examinees Go Overboard - Part 2

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Xander, unlike his opponent, was not ready for this fight. He only had enough courage to step out into the arena. He had no clue what he was going to do now.

Once Thorne gave the green light for the battle to begin, Xander knew it was going to be over in an instant. Adrian rushed forward, not giving Xander any time to think.

Only just then did Xander realize that he probably should have been thinking up a strategy while watching the other battles. The odds were already stacked up against his favor, but not having a plan of attack just made things worse.

Adrian, without wasting any time, used his water magic to sweep Xander off his feet, forcing him straight onto the ground. He got up as fast as he could but was quickly knocked back over by the strength of the currents.

Xander was immediately embarrassed. He was struggling to stand up in water not even a foot deep, forced to splash around in this temporary pool.

Even with water in his ears, muffling the sound, he could hear Adrian's laugh. He assumed the others were probably laughing at him too, although he couldn't hear them over the other noises. It was humiliating. If there was one thing Xander hated, it was bullies, and there was one standing directly above him, laughing.

"I have to do something or else I will be thrown out of here without even getting a chance," he thought. Using the excess anger from all of his past experiences up to this point, along with his current frustration, Xander forced himself up and ran as fast as he could away from the water that Adrian was using. Luckily for Xander, Adrian was so confident that he didn't even expect Xander to try to escape. However, it wasn't enough to even slightly change the tide of the fight. Adrian, using one quick swiping movement of his arm, picked up Xander using the water, and carried him up into the air.

Almost as if Adrian was swinging around a small toy, Xander was thrown around in the room. Unlike at the beach, however, this time, there were walls for Xander to hit.

One, after the other, Xander was getting slammed into the solid walls of the gym. Max winced. He tried to call out but his voice couldn't reach Xander.

Adrian grinned with arrogance. He looked towards his father and shouted, "I told you this kid is worthless. Is there anyone else who is worth my time?"

Upon hearing this, Xander's mind snapped back to the bathroom where he hit Damian and how he felt back then. Bullies. They were everywhere and there was nobody to put a stop to them. Regardless of what you do to one, there will always be more.

Xander mustered up the strength to stand on his two feet, although shaky.

Adrian noticed and shot his aggressive gaze back towards his struggling opponent. "Standing again?" Adrian summoned water on both sides of Xander and then clapped, which resulted in the walls of water crashing down on Xander with tremendous force. "Die."

The water began to warp itself around Xander as a familiar breeze picked up within the room. Inside the water was an expressionless Xander, his eyes with a subtle undertone of anger. He looked towards Adrian, who took a one-half step backward before placing the same foot forwards firmly.

"Oh, my. You actually can use magic! Haha, the runt knows how to do something basic after all!" Adrian laughed mockingly. He squeezed his fist out in front of him and compressed the water dancing about Xander. The orb imploded on Xander, who collapsed again in a coughing fit. He rose to his feet once more.

"Do you have a death wish, trash?!" Adrian inquired in an angry voice. Spears of water appeared in a circle behind Adrian as he signaled for them to fire towards Xander. Upon seeing this, Xander started to run towards his opponent. The spears crashed into the bricks behind Xander as he ran. Adrian gritted his teeth and growled. The final spear in the barrage was sent off towards Xander and made impact with his shin. His body collapsed to the floor again. "You're so annoying. Do you know that? I bet your entire family hates you. Nobody likes you. You are absolutely worthless, you're nothing. Give up, garbage."

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