Chapter 1: Xander Gray

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 Sharp, piercing eyes. The eyes of a predator, staring straight into his own. He sat in horror as he watched the event take place. He felt frozen, as if he didn't have control over his own body. The adrenaline was the only thing keeping him from passing out from either the pain, or the fear. She looked at him, and began making her way to him as well. A cold sweat dripped down his brow. She raised her weapon, ready to take the victory. With his life flashing before his eyes, he took one last look at her and forced his body to run. He ran as far as he could, to no avail. There was no flight, only fight.


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"How long has my alarm been ringing for...'' 17-year-old Xander Gray sighed to himself as he laid in bed for several minutes, the sound of rain lightly drizzling on the roof above him. "What a weird dream..." he mumbled quietly to himself. Then he groaned. He was not looking forward to the day ahead of him. Every day was just a cycle to Xander. Waking up, getting yelled at for something he did or didn't do, regardless of whether or not it was right or wrong. Then, he'd leave for school. Once he'd get there, he would remain unnoticed by everyone, only to go home, sleep, and repeat the cycle once again as wakes up.

"I guess I should get out of bed..." he muttered to himself as he slowly slid out of his disheveled bed.

He stood up, his pajama shirt half unbuttoned, and hair messier than "messy" can describe. He sluggishly walked over to the dresser, tripping on the random piles of clothes scattered about. He took a moment, staring into his own eyes, telling himself that he will make it through the day. Even though life kicked him while he was down, he still tried to remain as resilient as possible to its negative effects.

He slowly got dressed in his black-and-white tracksuit, donned his old fashioned headphones, and proceeded out of his bedroom without even combing his hair. All the lights were off as it was only 5:47 AM, and nobody else woke up until 6:00 AM. He turned on the light groggily. He spotted sheets of paper, spread erratically through the kitchen. His father tore one of his favorite books a day before in a fight over the claim that Xander does nothing to help out around the house. He stubbornly picked up the trashed paper and threw it out. The memories of the argument flashed in his mind as he tossed out his favorite manga. Moving to the cabinet, he pulled out a granola bar and put it into his bag. Even though he was hungry from just waking up from an eleven-hour slumber, he desired to get out of the house before anyone else awoke.

He moved to put the bar in the side pouch on his black bag, when he suddenly heard a noise coming from the steps.

"Oh no, was I too loud?" he thought to himself as he quickly zipped his bag up and slung it across his shoulder.

"I-is anyone down here?" a soft, tired voice called down the stairs.

Xander's younger sister, Naomi, was a 14-year-old girl who went to the same high school as him. He clicked his tongue, as he had wished to leave before she did so he could make his regular stop at the gas station on the way to school, to pick up a few snacks.. She slowly made her way downstairs, rubbing her eyes as they adjusted to the light in the kitchen. Xander rushed to the front door to leave when his sister spotted him:
"Oh, hey. Good morning, Xander" she said, as cheerfully as she could while still being half asleep.

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