The Unwanted Meet Up

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I watched them climb aboard Oogie.

"Good luck, kids, and watch out for any dark spirits lurking around, KEKEKEKE," I teased, trying to spook them as they settled in.

"Stop it, Umi! I can't sleep at night because of you!" Ikki complained, clutching her mom tightly.

"Thank you very much, Umira," Pema said, her voice tinged with exhaustion, as she frowned slightly at me.

"Teehee, well, we'll wait here for you, right, Father?" I said, leaning against my father. He chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Of course, we have all the time in the world, right, Tenzin?" he said, flashing a sly smile at Tenzin, hinting that he'd continue his playful teasing when they returned.

"Ugh, great. I can't wait," Tenzin muttered, slightly tired, as he waited for the others to get ready on Oogie while seated at the bison's head.

"Good luck, Korra," I said as Oogie took off. They all waved at us goodbye and flew away.

"So, now tell me why you were permitted to take a break," my father asked, still resting an arm on my shoulder and playfully squeezing my cheek with his other hand.

"Ah, Dad!" I protested, trying to pull his hand away.

"Ah! Now I'm your 'Dad,' not 'father' or 'Commander'?" he teased, stretching my cheek now.

"You called me 'dad' last time when you were 14. What changed now?"

"It changed now that you annoy me, aaah!" I exclaimed, struggling to free myself from his grip, but he held me tightly, and my cheek too. He laughed wholeheartedly and finally let go of my cheek. I rubbed the sore spot, casting him an annoyed glance for pinching it so hard.

"Come on, go change and get yourself ready. I'll cook today. I would have eaten with you in the city, but since the attack, it's a bit difficult to manage that," he said, taking my bags and walking towards the family housing. If I weren't from the family, I would have to stay in the girls' dormitory, but luckily, I have my own room here on the Island. I hadn't visited it for a long time, and I was glad that Grandpa Aang thought so far ahead when he built additional rooms in the family housing.

I walked with my father into my room that I hadn't touched since I was 17; everything was as I left it. The same single bed on the left, my desk by the window, my wardrobe still containing a few old belongings, and some framed posters from my mother's shows. Near the window hung a wind chime, its gentle sounds a familiar comfort. The dark wooden floor was still clean, the walls white, adorned with swords and fighting fans from the Kyoshi warriors, and my collection of umbrellas stood in the corner. I've always loved my umbrellas, preferring to stroll with them around the island even on sunny days—despite the sun being the source of a firebender's strength, there was something charming about them.

"We're here... I'm surprised that nothing really changed after all these years," my father remarked as he placed my bags on the floor next to my bed. He glanced around, his eyes lingering on the posters of Mom. It was clear he missed her, with her bustling acting career and the theater kept her away and now she had recently acquired half ownership of the largest theater in the Fire Nation, taking on even more responsibilities.

"Well, make yourself ready and take a shower. We'll meet in the dining area," he said, looking down at me. I'm not short at 1.75 meters, but next to my father, a giant like every other air nomad described by other nations or kingdoms standard, I always seemed smaller.

"Hey, are you saying I stink?" I joked, sniffing at myself.

"No, but you've got a bit of dust in your hair, or is that some spider webs?" he teased, leaning down to inspect my hair more closely, his hand thoughtfully on his chin.

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