Herta Space Station

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The strange ship was pulled into the bay of the Herta Space Station.

"This looks like something from the Xianxiou Luofu," Asta had mentioned, "I think it's called a starskiff, but Madam Herta would know."

Herta would not come and see it, so Arlan wouldn't know for sure.

"Mr. Arlan, come help us unload all this stuff from inside the ship!"

Arlan complied, helping pull out the heavy objects from inside.

"Woah! Look at these weapons!"

"I need to research these if I get the chance!"

Arlan noted how small the ship was. He assumed it was just for weapon transferring, considering how many weapons were stored inside.

He pulled away a box that appeared to have fallen and spilt out, as it was upside down and weapons piled up beneath it. He carefully picked up the box, awkwardly pulling it out.

"Someone come help me pull all these swords out!" Arlan called as he began to pull out the many assorted pieces.


He pulled up a piece of fabric, a very heavy piece. Moving more swords off out the way, his blood ran cold.

"Get the medical team!" He yelled, "There's a kid in here!"


Yanqing awoke to a bright light in his eyes. He quickly covered his eyes, trying to regain his sight after the incredibly sudden light.

"Are you alright?" He heard a soft but breathless voice.

"Too bright..." he replied, blinking in the direction of the voice.

He heard hurried footsteps, then the bright light was significantly dimmed. Sighing in relief, Yanqing sat up before doubling back down in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow!" He whined.

"Your stitches are still tender, stay still."

Yanqing's vision finally cleared and he saw he was in some sort of hospital room, though it was nothing like he was used to. The only reason he knew it was a hospital was because of the bandages he saw on the table beside him and the smell of medicine, just like what the dragon lady used.

"You should take some medicine." a hand held out a pill. He almost grabbed it to eat until he realized that he did not know this person at all.

"Who are you!" He suddenly screamed. "I'm not eating that!"

"Calm down! You're still hurt."

He slapped her hand away and, despite the pain, tried to get up to run.

"We need help over here!" Nurses ran over and held the young boy down.

Yanqing hissed in pain, more from his struggling than the arms that tried to stop him from moving. His heart raced, desperately trying to escape.

"When the general hears about this-!"

He was suddenly let go. He tried to run but found himself facing another boy about his height.

"They're just here to help," he said, "are you afraid of doctors?"

"Wh-no way!" Yanqing snapped. "Who even are you people? Where am I?!"

"I'm Arlan, and you're in the Herta Space Station. We found you in a destroyed starskiff."

"That's right, I was in one of those. Where is it? I need to get back to the Luofu, it needs me!"

Arlan cast his eyes around, pitying the blond boy.

"The Xianxiou Luofu isn't anywhere near us anymore. We didn't even pass it. I have no idea how you could have possibly gotten here."

Yanqing paused for a moment, eyeing Arlan suspiciously. Arlan could only shake his head in defeat.

"If you don't believe me, I can show you our logs of where we've gone."

Yanqing nodded quickly, his eyes blazing with determination. Arlan wasn't sure how much this would actually confirm for the young blond, but if it could show him they weren't there to hurt him, that wouldn't hurt.

Arlan led Yanqing to the deck. Asta was anxiously looking through files, but mustered a smile when she saw Arlan.

"Hello, Arlan," She said, "is this the boy from that ship?"

"Yes," he said, "his name is...?"

"Yanqing," he swiftly said, "lemme see those logs! You seriously can't be that far from the Xianxiou Luofu."

"The Luofu...?" Asta mumbled as she looked through the logs. Yanqing looked over her shoulder, scanning the dates and times. His determined attitude slowly disintegrated as the  logs kept going on and on.

"It looks like the last time we passed the Xianxiou Luofu," Asta said, "was nearly a decade ago, space time."

"That can't be right!" Yanqing yelped, shaking his head. "I was—I think...I was just at the Luofu!"

"I'm sure it's not far away, if the starskiff got all the way to us!" Asta tried. "We just have to check, it won't take long."

Asta quickly did some sort of calculation that Yanqing didn't recognize. Her expression didn't show any hope, and she simply shook her head.

"I can't find it," she said, "I'm afraid..."

Yanqing deflated, barely able to look at her.

"We'll find the Luofu," Arlan tried, "it's actually not that hard to find."

"It's in a lockdown," Yanqing quietly said, "no one is gonna be allowed in, and the signals and stuff aren't on."

Asta and Arlan glanced at each other, unsure of how to respond. Yanqing slid to the ground and had to cover his face. Scared, alone, and frankly quite frustrated, he felt he couldn't even beat a practice dummy.

"Lady Herta can probably help!" Asta said to break the silence. "She's in the Genius Society, they can definitely help you."

"...Lady Asta..." Arlan whispered, "are you sure Herta would even be willing to help?"

"Shh, don't worry!" She replied. "Herta actually has wanted to visit the Xianxiou Luofu. I'm sure if she pulls a few strings, she can get herself in."

Arlan gave her an unconvinced look, but he knew it was the best idea they had at the moment.

"Hey, Yanqing?" Asta asked softly. The boy looked up at her, eyes a little cloudy.

"I think I know somebody who can help, if you want to meet her."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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