Sacred treasure abilities

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this chapter will explain the abilities that salome has since she is y/n's sacred treasure 

Love hurricane
y/n got inspiration for this move from a quote his mother said when y/n fell in love for the first time the quote states "love is a hurricane!", so the way love hurricane works is that salome spins around so fast that a hurricane is formed the hurricane then takes a pink color and then salome's scales will start to fly everywhere, scratching everybody caught inside the hurricane and embed themselves inside the skin of the enemy and at any point y/n will snap his fingers and say 'hairpin' to activate the special hidden prowess of the scales,when y/n says 'hairpin' the enemy will feel a surge of energy flowing through their body and the scales will start to dig deeper inside of the enemies body and the parts of where the scales were that part will slowly turn to stone but if someone has perverse thoughts the stone will spread quicker, also once the hurricane ends it will send shockwaves of air across the battlefield even capable of knocking down meliodas in assault mode

Love bite
salome goes limp in y/n's hands and then y/n's proceeds to use salome as a whip so salome can get close to the enemy to bite them multiple times as many times as y/n can whip the enemy,the reason why salome bites the enemy is because she has a special venom that causes anybody that got bitten to become infatuated with y/n,practically filling their thoughts with y/n and only y/n and the enemy or victim will only listen to y/n so this moves temporarily immobilizing them for 24 hours

Love Snake Fusion
in a desperate situation y/n can combine with salome, in a large pink shock wave that blinds everybody and all that there is a large snake human with a large tail that reaches over 6.25 metres the tail is decorated with red spots and the majority of the tail is ghostly white,the rest of the man has a define six pack with some scales littering his waist and chest here and there,the rest of his body is well defined with muscles and the only snakey part of his upper waist is his arms that have the same ghostly white and red spots also equipped with sharp claws that can easily slice someone in half if combined with armament haki,as for his face y/n still contains his beauty but his eyes are slitted with a yellow glow to his eyes and his mouth is equipped with large fangs that can easily bite someone in half and a large snake tongue and his hair becomes abnormally long reaching the ground easily even pooling on the ground if he doesn't extend his snake body up into the air,his hair goes from a pitch black color which then decends into a bright blue color and on top of y/n's head is salome's skull head gear,In this form y/n's abilities are drastically increased and with his new unique body structure he can bend his body mid attack to make him bend in a diffrent direction if his opponents happen to move mid attack, merlin stated if y/n trains this form more he could be on par with meliodas' assault mode,the only down side of this transformation is that y/n stays like that for 24 hours and he tends to act like a snake

there we go i know it isn't exactly a chapter but a chapter is going to come soon!if my wi-fi doesn't decide to screw me over,but yeah expect a chapter soon because i am halfway down with a chapter anyways, bye! have a great day/night

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