kyle listened to his friends repeatedly speak and question about a random game that they were all excited for. he didn't jump in because.. what was the point? he wasn't about to play it anyways, he didn't really like video games that much.

he'd rather spend time not worrying about anything as he quickly did his homework and maybe taking a few minutes staring on social media.

kyle also mainly just watched tv. like, horror movies or random shows that he thought were interesting.

he's gotten a few complaints about him being a geek and that he was too busy working on assignments. even stan was begging him to get on the game.

and yeah, he did a few times because he couldn't bare stan's begging and pleading anymore - it was annoying. and it wasn't as entertaining as they made it seem, instead it was tiring and gave him a headache because they act like they can't comprehend the basic necessities of following orders.

so, he just refused to play games with them often.

kyle suddenly heard stan scoff, head immediately swinging up.

"come on, butters! why not ask your parents to buy you the game." stan asked, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

butters bumped his knuckles together - a horrible habit he'd forever will have. "'cause i'm grounded! ..again."

'poor butters.' kyle thought, dropping his chin onto the palm of his hand, elbow resting on the table while he waited for the hour to be over.

a loud ringing noise bursted into the cafeteria, causing many students to jump and flinch from the loud noise.

kyle let out a relieved breath, finally being able to get out of this cramped area, the smell of musk and sweat radiating from those assholes almost killing him.

his friends around him groaned simultaneously, they hated class as much as children hated going to bed at night.

maybe it was because he was a nerd, and honestly, he didn't really care about having that title. all he cared about is getting his work done and going on about his day.

he stood up, legs aching from sitting down for too long, he tugged at his long white T - shirt and fixed the sleeves of his green jacket, fixing the small wrinkled bits and setting them to be more comfortable.

his legs climbed over the seats and he stretched as if he was just done taking a nap. kyle took another deep breath but soon regretting when he inhaled the disgusting aroma of musty teens. seriously, did they not shower? ugh.

kyle looked over his shoulder, stan was walking away quickly. huh.. stan would routinely tell kyle that he'd talk to him later - just a small detail kyle had picked up on, maybe he just forgot this time?

whatever, it wasn't that serious.

kyle left his tray on the table, not caring enough to pick it up- he didn't feel like having to sit through seconds of pure disturbance.

'a rat will eat it.' he thought, the only conclusion he'll come up with.

he shuffled and pushed past a few people, the audacity of them walking slow like they were turtles out of water irritated him. he grumbled as he made his way through the path of students.

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