The Punishment Worse than Death

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                      (This chapter's gonna be pretty short, but the next one will be longer!)


                                                                    Zelda's POV

It was over. They had lost.

The three days were up, and all their futile attempts to subdue Dark Link had failed.

Zelda sagged her shoulders and yawned. The rings under her eyes were so dark you could mistake them for black eyes. 

All she felt was numb. She had lost so many friends, her hope was dwindling quickly.

With all hope gone, Zelda had spent the last few hours simply mourning her friends. Purah, Link, Brigo, Groose, Josha. And that was just naming a few! 

She knew Dark Link would be coming for them soon enough. Having exhausted all attempts to fight back, their only hope now was to hide. Zelda leaned back onto her heels, and slowly picked herself up. 

"Everyone! Dark Link will be coming for us soon! We must evacuate! Everyone to the shelter! We will lock it up behind us. Our only hope is to wait this whole thing out!"

Zelda sprinted over to the shelter entrance. She hopped down onto the ladder, sliding down into the shelter. Hitting the cobbled stone with a soft thud, she headed over to the infirmary.

Zelda couldn't take her eyes off the injured soldiers. They were just protecting their kingdom! They were so loyal, and yet, they got this. Those poor soldiers...they didn't deserve this. Zelda walked over to the first soldier. His injuries were gruesome. He had a large slash across his chest, his leg was broken, and half his face was burned off by gloom. He seemed to be on the brink of death. Hopefully he can be healed, or put out of his misery, She thought. 

Zelda knelt by his bedside. She gently reached out her hand, and took it into hers. Leaning over to whisper in his ear, she said, "Don't worry. I'm sure a hero will come to save us from this mess. We just have to hold out a little longer." Offering comfort was the least she could do in these troubling times. Zelda turned away, letting a small sob escape her lips. She was a failure. A failure of a princess. With her power, she was supposed to protect her kingdom, not have it protect her! All these innocent people who had died for her, the losses weighed heavily on her heart.

Suddenly, the floor was shaky. Everything was wobbling. Zelda collapsed to the ground, her hands slamming into the wooden floor. A loud crash was heard from above. Dark Link must have come for them. Zelda almost tripped on her own feet as she rushed for the ladder. Feeling for the wooden rungs, she started climbing up.

Once she reached the top, she took in the destruction. Everything was gone. Lookout Landing was gone, and the Skyview Tower had collapsed. Zelda looked around, frantically trying to spot Dark Link.

"Looking for someone, Princess?"

Zelda whipped around. "Dark Link!"

"Tsk tsk tsk. You've met with a terrible fate haven't you? The dawn of the Final day. The Final day for you and your pitiful little followers. Do you surrender?"

"You dare mock the bravery of my soldiers? We will never surrender! We will fight you to the death!"

"Heh heh heh. You want a piece of me? Very funny! I like your attitude! But you let your guard down."

Dark Link folded his hands behind his back and stalked around Zelda. "I've already captured all your worthless soldiers." He gestured behind him.

The Legend of Zelda: Holding Out For a HeroМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя