1.(doesnt even have a title cause its so random)

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It was the middle of the day, another dull day. Dull for Henry anyways.

Until. William went into the living room, Henry was in a mood that day as well which just caused more tension against them both, they've been bickering recently well a lot more then usual, Henry glared at William as will walked by him, Henry muttered something which William didn't quite hear, so he went to Henry and asked him in a blunt tone "what did you say? I didn't quite hear you,"
Henry turned around to face William and he said irritated "Nothing that concerns you, so stop being nosy" William being slightly annoyed now raises his tone. "No need to be so fucking rude." Henry rolled his eyes and carried on reading his book, the room goes silent for a few seconds before William blurts out under his breath "I wish I never used remnant to keep you alive." Henry heard of course and got angry, he then shouted "what the fuck is your problem?!. . . Look. If you didn't want me to be so rude to you maybe you shouldn't have killed my daughter, or kidnap my son," Williams eyes widened from the statement about Sammy. Will never told Henry about that, how does he know. Did he know all along? Did Henry read his journal.? How does- how does Henry-? William snapped back to reality to hear Henry say "Gone silent now huh," with Henry standing infront of him, he blurted out "how do you know about the Sammy incident?" Henry went quiet and looked away, "I read your journal." William kept his cold stare at Henry despite him being shocked since he writes some pretty dark stuff in those journals and, ,let's  just say "other." Stuff. Making Henry look at William again. William thought for a moment not caring about the attitude Henry was giving him. "Oh Henry, I'm intrigued, which drawer did you look though or did you look through more then one?" The room goes silent for a moment. "Around 2 or 3, maybe 4, they were, questionable.. maybe lock your drawers next time you leave the house." Henry says in a cocky tone. William copies Henry's gone by responding with "didn't know we were so alike, what other similarities do we share?." Henry doesn't answer, "guess you can't say anything about me being nosy since your nosy too henry," William blurts out to break the silence. Henry looks at William confused but then remembers what he's on about, "oh, right- yeah," Will notices the sudden change of attitude, confused he asks "what's wrong hen? You seem eh- sad or awkward?" Henry is quiet for a moment but speaks up "did you really mean what you said about the remnant thing?" ". . . No, of course not. I was just mad I guess-?" William replies feeling a bit bad for Henry, (Bros bi polar ass💀)mh. I'm going to my room" Henry says as he walks off, with William just standing there, after a couple of seconds he teleports to his office,


Hiya! Uh it's been a while since I've written something uhhh yeah, also I don't even know what this story thing was meant to be lol it was just random I guess, uh I'll try work on something new and not random like this :)
Also I was given like 2+ ideas for this story thing and I got confused half way through😀 but yeah

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