Now, it was the other party's turn to sweat because kimeron Yn had the upper hand.

Anika Rong, Chui Aisha Rong, and Chui Ming, beware because I am going to fry all of you at once!

"But sis, could we really mount a sufficient resistance or attack in this brief window of peace?" Jackson asked with a heavy heart.

After all, Chui Ming was no pushover, plus he was signing a partnership with kim Empire soon. Yn and her family had practically nothing so how could they possibly stand a chance?

Jackson couldn't figure out a way they could topple Chui Ming no matter how hard he racked his brain. At least he knew he didn't have that capacity.

"If only Aisha Rong was unmarried," He sighed. At the end of the day, their target was only Anika Rong and Aisha. Chui Ming was an added burden, a heavy one at that.

It made it that much more difficult to deal with Aisha and her mother. In other words, this would be a lot simpler if she hadn't married Chui Ming.

However, Yn didn't mind an additional Chui Ming, she had a well thought out plan to take them all down. In removing Chui Ming, she considered doing the world a social service, helping it rid of one additional rough spot.

"Dear, don't worry about that, I won't start something that I have no confidence in. Believe me, I'll reclaim everything that's ours in less than a month."

For some reason, Yn's statement always carried weight. Jackson had been through a lot with his sister since she recovered her memory. He knew the ridiculous tricks that she could pull out of thin air. He believed everything she said fully.

"Sis, I believe in you! But don't forget that I'm always at your disposal, use me in whatever way you see fit because I am no longer afraid of fighting the world with you by my side!" He said with a macho bump on his chest, Yn couldn't help chuckling at his antics.

Where they were going was a little far from the grand hotel where her son's birthday party was held, the Seoul Grande City was a bustling international city. The Northern Pier was the city's oldest marina. It sat by a fishing village.

The villagers were men and women of labor. Their main source of income was fishing and it was an extremely badly paying occupation that required more brawn than brain.

Jackson thus found it odd for his sister to come to this place in search of the person that could help them fight against Chui Ming.

Yn explained, "Have you heard the story of how Chui Ming got into the internet business?"

Chui Ming could handle the non-technical side of the business but he seemed practically clueless when it came to the actual nuts and bolts of his Tech company.

Furthermore, Chui Corps had nothing to do with the internet business before Chui Ming's company. It did seem weird that he would venture into a field that he had no prior knowledge in. On this issue, Jackson did do some research on his own.

He answered immediately, "I did hear some rumors about that. The digital grapevine said that King Kong Internet Security wasn't his creation but his best friend's. You know what kind of person Chui Ming is, so they said he back-stabbed his friend and claimed the software as his own and threw his friend away after framing him. Of course, this is all hearsay."

Yn nodded, "You are 100 percent correct. I've scanned through the software's history when I hacked into his company's database. Chui Ming did steal it from a friend."

Jackson was disgusted. "He sure is one contemptible (deserving contempt) human being!" Yn chuckled, "Just perfect for Aisha Rong, don't you think?" She said with a smile. Jackson burst into laughter.

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