Since I had forgotten to eat anything for breakfast I was starving by lunch. I filled my tray with food and walked over to sit beside my friends. The sun came out this morning after I had made it to school. The Cullens' table sat empty. I ate my baked ziti in silence. As my friends sat and chattered more about prom, I sat and thought about how much I missed Jacob. I thought about what I could tell him and what I should leave out. The Cullens' secret was not mine to tell. Besides, Jacob already knew, in a way. He was the one who told me what they were.

While I sat pondering, I speared some pasta with my fork and stared at it for longer than I probably should have. "Is something wrong, Y/N?" "What?" I snapped out of it and looked at Angela, "No nothing's wrong." "You look upset. Are you sure you're alright?" I nodded and ate the bite of pasta, trying to change my facial expression. I grabbed my bottle of Arizona Tea and took a drink, "I was just thinking about what color dress I should choose. It's been kind of perplexing." Lying was becoming a whole lot easier.

"I think you would look great in the color blue," Jessica said, taking a bite of her chocolate energy bar. "I think she would look better in green or a plum color," Angela stated, wiping her glasses with a terry cloth. "She looks beautiful in any color," Mike grumbled. He played with the food on his tray, not looking up from it as he pushed his pasta around with a fork. I felt bad for him. Though I had no interest in dating Mike, I still wanted to keep him as a friend.

"Thank you, Mike." I smiled kindly at him, hoping it would make him feel at least a little better. He half smiled and took a bite of his food.

"Mike and I have a date on Saturday," Jess announced. I could tell by the way she looked that she was trying to change the subject. "That's great. I hope you two have fun." I ate in silence for the rest of the lunch period. When the bell rang, I rushed to class. As I walked, I sent Jacob a message; I miss you so much. I'll see you after school. I love you.

I rushed into my biology class and sat down next to the empty seat. I looked towards the back of the classroom. Mike sat in the back--- a gloomy look still plastered on his face. Angela sat in her usual seat. She smiled at me. The final bell rang. I turned back to face the front just as Mr. Banner walked into class. In his hands were a couple of boxes. He sat them down on my desk, "Will you pass these out for me? One on each desk."

While I was passing out the boxes, Mr. Banner spoke to the class. "Today we will be doing blood typing." He put on a pair of white latex gloves. "In your boxes will be everything you and your partner will need." I sat back in my seat as he approached me. He sorted through my box and pulled everything out of it.

He held up a white card with four squares marked on it, "You will all need an indicator card," He placed it down on my desk and picked up something that looked like a nearly toothless hair pick, "A four-pronged applicator and lastly," He picked up a small piece of blue plastic and held it up before splitting it open, revealing a needle, "A sterile micro-lancet. I'll be coming over with a dropper of water to prepare your cards, so please do not start until I get to you."

He took the dropper of water and added a drop to each of the four squares on my card. He held out his hand towards me, and I took it. He flipped my hand over, "Then I want you to carefully prick your finger with the lancet---" He jabbed the needle into my pointer finger, causing me to wince, "And put a small droplet of blood on each of the prongs. Then simply apply it to the card." He did exactly this as he talked with the droplet of blood that was coming from my finger.

"The Red Cross will be having a blood drive in Port Angeles next week, so I figured you would all want to know your blood type. I will pass around a sheet of paper that lists the different blood types and how to tell what they are by observing the card." He let go of my hand and started passing out the papers. I watched the chemical reaction that took place on the card and waited until I was fairly sure it was done.

From Dusk 'Till Dawn (Jacob Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now