Piecing it together

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They put me in the emergency room, a long room filled with multiple hospital beds that had curtains in between each one for privacy. I sat on one of these beds, waiting for the doctor to see me and discharge me from the hospital. My dad stood beside me; a concerned expression still plastered on his face. 

I was a little frustrated and annoyed now after I had recovered from the shock. Frustrated that I had not been given enough time to talk to Edward about how he had saved me. Annoyed with the way I was being treated like a fragile object. I wasn't injured, but no one believed me. Of course, no one would. Who would believe me if I told them that Edward Cullen had saved me from dying by simply pushing a van with his bare hands?

The nurses had already sent me back to have X-rays done. There was nothing wrong with me, no concussion, or anything out of the ordinary. I was getting impatient. My phone dinged three times while I sat in the ER. One message was from my mom; my dad must have told her about the accident. The other two were from Jacob. I decided to check his messages first, wanting to avoid my mother's panic. The first one was predictable; Hey, I heard what happened. Charlie just called my dad about it. Are you OK?  The second one that followed was a little more unexpected; Can I come by and see you today?

I felt my cheeks flush. He was really worried about me. Something about him caring as much as he did made my heart flutter. I sent my texts quickly, hoping to ease his worries; I'm fine. So far everything is showing up alright. Yes, I'm sure my dad won't mind you coming over. I'll tell you more about what happened when I get home. I'll let you know when I get home. I hit send and went straight over to mom's message; Y/N, are you alright? Answer me as soon as possible. Your dad told me what happened. 

I responded back letting her know that I was alright and that dad over-exaggerated about what had happened. I didn't take that great of a hit from the wreck due to a fellow student pushing me out the way of the crash. I left out the part about who saved me. Mom wouldn't care anyways. She would just want to make sure that I was safe. 

The doctor finally came rushing through the ER doors. His skin was as pale as Edward's. His eyes had the same dark circles around them as the other Cullens; eyes that were a perfect shade of gold. Eyes that were focused on me. Even with the dark circles that seemed to cave his eyes in a bit, he was a very handsome man.  This must be Dr. Cullen. 

He moved gracefully towards me, his white lab coat flowing at his sides as he approached at a normal fast pace for a doctor who had many patients to look at and little time to do so. "Y/N Swan. How are you feeling today?" He greeted me in a voice that seemed to be just as musical as Edward's. "I feel fine." I said, trying my best not to stare. 

He looked down at his clipboard, even though it was obvious he didn't need to. In one swift motion, he tucked his clipboard underneath his arm and pulled out a small pen-sized flashlight from his coat. His cold hand gently grasped my chin as he flashed the light in both my eyes, "No sign of a concussion." He released my face, put away his light and wrote down the results on his clipboard. "Your x-rays all look good. Any pain?" 

"No." I shook my head. "OK then. You should be good to go." Dr. Cullen turned to my father, "I have some paperwork for you to fill out but other than that she seems to be healthy." My dad held out his hand for Dr. Cullen, who took it, "Thank you Dr. Cullen." They shook hands. I stood and followed my dad to the front desk that sat in the waiting room.

From Dusk 'Till Dawn (Jacob Black x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें