The Cullens

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I lie in bed, tossing and turning. Billy had picked Jacob up about two hours earlier--- My dad met him outside with that twenty-dollar bill that was owed. I had said my goodbyes to Jacob for the night, promising to see him as soon as possible and giving him a quick kiss goodnight. After he left, I went up to my room, stripped down to my bra and panties, and crawled under the covers of my bed. After about an hour of continuous tossing and turning, I finally drifted off to sleep.

I stood in the middle of a meadow surrounded by woods. It was a little foggy outside, making it hard to see. I looked around, my breathing coming out in shallow breaths. That's when I spotted them; two blood-red eyes peeking out from a clearing in the tall trees. Jacob stepped out of the shadows behind me, "Y/N you need to be careful." I looked over at him, trying to understand what was going on. Edward stepped out into the meadow on the other side of me."Don't move."

I looked back over at the woods where the red eyes lingered. There were now three pairs of red eyes. "Y/N!" Jacob yelled. I turned to him as he collapsed in the field, shaking violently. "Jake!" I ran towards him. I watched as he rolled over onto his back before springing up and transforming right before my eyes. In Jacobs's place now stood a huge, russet brown wolf. I fell on my back, startled. 

"Jake?!" I screamed out in confusion. I heard a whoosh behind me and felt a pair of icy hands dragging me up off of the ground by my throat. The vampire turned my body to face him and held me up, his red eyes fixated on me. The corners of his mouth tilted back in a terrifying grin. In the dim light, I could make out minor features of the monster. He was blonde, his hair pulled back in a ponytail. He wore jeans and a black jacket; his feet were bare. 

I stared into his eyes as he raised a hand, ready to attack me. I watched in horror as the wolf ran forward and jumped, teeth aimed at the neck of the monster that held me.

I jolted awake, my body expecting the impact from falling in my dream. I looked over to my left and screamed. Or tried to. A stone-like, cold hand covered my mouth. "Please don't scream. You'll wake your dad."

I immediately clamped my mouth shut, trying to shove his hand away. It didn't budge. Edward moved his hand away. "What the hell are you doing in my room?" I whisper-yelled. "I was watching you sleep." He admitted, "I don't sleep. I know how weird that might sound to you, but I promise I had no ill intentions." I heard the whoosh of wind in my ear as he moved from where he stood over to the corner of my room, taking a seat in my rocking chair. This all happened within a split second, leaving me baffled and annoyed. 

"You watch me sleep?!" I was creeped out a bit I must admit, but part of me was more intrigued by the fact that he could not sleep. "I thought you guys slept in coffins." I poorly joked.

"No. That's a myth." He said in a serious tone, "You were talking a lot in your sleep. You said Jacob's name a few times."

I blushed, "It was just a bad dream." I stated, embarrassed. "I don't doubt that. You were thrashing around a lot as well. Do you want to talk about it?"

I sat up in bed, making sure to keep covered up with the blanket. I didn't care if he was a vampire or a unicorn--- I was not going to let him see my half-naked body. I leaned back against my pillow, propping myself up against the headboard of the bed, "I would rather forget about it."

From Dusk 'Till Dawn (Jacob Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now