First Day of Hell Pt. 2

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The bell was about to ring and signal the end of lunch. The Cullens had already left a few moments prior, each one of them moving just as graceful as Alice had. They dumped their untouched food and walked out, not speaking a single word to each other. I sat at the table with Jessica and her friends, thinking of an answer to go with their odd behavior. Are they vampires? The thought was originally a joke, but it actually kind of made sense.

I got up to dump my tray--- Angela decided to follow and started a conversation with me about my next class. We both had Biology II, so we walked together. She was shy and didn't say much, which was fine with me. I didn't really feel like talking anymore. I was socially drained. When we arrived at our class, Angela went and immediately took a seat at a table with a neighbor. Every seat was full except one. The only empty seat in the room sat beside Edward Cullen. I introduced myself to the teacher, who after introducing himself pointed me in the direction of the empty seat. I took a couple of steps forward, passing in front of a fan that the teacher had set up in the front of the classroom.

I watched as Edward covered his nose and ducked his face down a little, looking almost instantly uncomfortable. What the hell? I stopped and sniffed my hair, which smelled like Y/F/SH (your favorite shampoo). I don't stink, so what the hell was his problem? I couldn't figure out his strange reaction at first, so I cautiously made my way down the aisle and sat beside him. I pulled out my notebook, ignoring him as much as possible. I sat my book down and pulled out a pen, ready to take notes. I glanced over at him, trying to see if he was still staring, which he indeed was. He had a hostile look on his face and his eyes were black. I looked away quickly. That's fucking creepy.

I tried my best to pay attention to what the teacher was saying, writing down notes as quickly as I could but I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I would glance up occasionally to see Edward still staring at me, his eyes still black, his fists clenched tightly on the table. I almost wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I didn't want to cause a scene on my first day of school. This went on for the whole hour, making me very uncomfortable. Almost 2 seconds before the bell rang, he got up, picked up his stuff, and stormed out, making me jump. 

I glared at the doorway that he passed through, watching as he disappeared down the hallway. I then packed up my things in my backpack and headed out into the hallway. I walked to my final class of the day; P.E. Thankfully I didn't have to do any of the workouts today. After that hour was up the final bell rang and I made my way to the front office to return some paperwork that I had to fill out. When I walked through the office door I froze. There stood Edward, having a hushed argument with the receptionist. I could somewhat hear what he was saying--- He was asking the receptionist if he could switch out his sixth-period Biology to any other time that they had available. 

That's when he noticed my presence, his dark eyes glaring daggers that pierced my soul. I wanted to turn and run but I stood my ground. I wasn't going to let him treat me this way so I glared right back. "Never mind. I guess I'll just have to endure it." With that, Mr. Dramatic stormed out. I looked at the receptionist, who looked just as confused as I was, and shrugged. I then handed her my paperwork and left. I was ready to go home.

The whole drive home I was thinking about Edward and his piercing black eyes. They were golden earlier in the day. Even contacts don't explain that. He covered his nose as if my smell was angering him. His body was extremely tense, like a wild animal ready to strike. I pulled up to the house, parked, and killed the truck. My dad wasn't home yet, and he probably wouldn't be until later. I pulled out my phone hoping to distract myself from the hell I had experienced today. Jacob had messaged a few hours prior; Hey! Do you want to maybe hang out sometime today?

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