Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen Isabella hung up her phone. After the rather tense call from the man who claimed to be working with the Ranger, she switched her radio on, and heard calls about shots being fired in the same area the man had just mentioned. Her alone wouldn't make a lot of difference, so she needed to get a bit smarter than the enemy. She thought about how she had first run across the Ranger, and then smiled. She sent out two hurried e-mails and then grabbed her ballistic vest and weapon. This could be an interesting evening.


Smith stared as his computer screen. Sometimes, all his resources didn't do him as much good as he'd like. He'd gotten the call from Hunter, and was reviewing his options, but wasn't finding any. He certainly couldn't get there himself in time to make a difference. He hoped they pulled something out of the Ranger's big white hat. He had plans for them if they made it through this mess, he just wasn't in a position to be able to help them at the moment.


Reid crouched down and moved the curtain aside slightly, looking down at the street. "It looks like they're splitting up into smaller groups and starting to go into some of the buildings." He turned to Hunter. "We can't let this go on, people will get hurt."

Hunter shrugged. "I understand what you're saying, but what do you want me to do? I didn't bring any long guns, aside from this one we picked up," he hefted the shotgun, "and I'm good, but that's too many even for me."

"Well we can't just sit here and wait. They'll find us here eventually, and that won't be good for anyone," Reid waved his hand to indicate Miguel and his father, who had introduced himself as Alonzo Huerta. "Mr. Huerta, will you let Mr. Panza stay here with you?"

"Of course, but what are you going to do?" he asked.

"Try and get them away from you somehow or other. I'll think of something." Reid smiled. "Trust me."

Hunter shook his head. "I hate it when you say that."

Down on the street, Verde took a pull on his cigarette while his men moved to the first buildings on the block. He doubted that anyone was being foolish enough to knowingly shelter his prey, but they may have found a place to hide that the owners didn't know about, or have forced their way in somewhere. It didn't matter. He'd find them. With a few calls to his boss, they had the area streets blocked, and the local police had been advised to be somewhere else if they wanted their "bonus" pay. They were all scared, crooked, or greedy enough that the threat alone should do it. Now he just needed to be patient, and hope his men were at least somewhat competent.

The fools would be found, or give themselves away. They not only were protecting the man he needed to kill, but they had killed one of his men, and fired on the others. This blatant disrespect couldn't be tolerated. His cell phone rang, and he flicked it open. "Yes?"

"Mr. Verde, Sgt. Gonzalez is on the way to see you." Verde grunted. Gonzalez was long since bought and paid for. He must be coming to see if he could get more money for keeping his men away, or possibly offering to help. More likely the first.

Gonzalez' car pulled up slowly. It was a great deal more expensive than what a sergeant of his years on the force should be able to afford, but then, that only demonstrated how much he owed Verde and the men he worked for.

"What is it, Gonzalez?" Verde asked. He had enough going on tonight without rampant greed interfering with his plans.

"I heard you had a problem over here. I also heard the description, and thought you might want an official presence." Even Gonzalez' voice was oily, matching his overweight frame.

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