Chapter 3: Soldiers

Start from the beginning

Despite the grim reality that their armor and shields offered no protection against the relentless barrage of bullets from Skyler's soldiers, Sir Roland knew that he could not afford to retreat. With his options dwindling and the fate of their kingdom hanging in the balance, he made the difficult decision to press on, determined to find a way to overcome their seemingly insurmountable foe.

"Fire arrows at them!" Sir Roland commanded, his voice ringing out across the battlefield with an air of grim resolve.

"But my Lord, it will hit our own men!" one of Sir Roland's ranked units protested, his voice laced with concern.

"I don't care! Just do it!" Sir Roland barked, his tone leaving no room for argument as he watched the chaos unfold around them.

With a heavy heart and a sense of unease gnawing at his gut, the ranked unit relayed Sir Roland's orders to the soldiers under his command. With a grim determination, they notched their arrows and took aim at the advancing German soldiers, their hands trembling slightly as they prepared to unleash a volley of deadly projectiles.

As the arrows flew through the air, their flight path erratic and unpredictable, Sir Roland braced himself for the inevitable carnage that would follow. Though he knew that their own men would likely fall victim to the indiscriminate onslaught, he also knew that they had no other choice but to fight with everything they had, no matter the cost. For in the crucible of battle, there could be no room for hesitation or doubt-only the relentless pursuit of victory at any cost.

As the arrows rained down from the sky in a deadly cascade, Skyler felt a surge of fear grip his heart, his mind reeling at the sheer magnitude of the impending danger. Before he could react, a cry of "Protect Mein Führer!" rang out, followed by the swift actions of two of his loyal German soldiers, who rushed to his side and shielded him from harm.

Skyler stumbled under the weight of their bodies, his breath coming in short, panicked gasps as he braced himself for the worst. But to his astonishment, nothing happened. Opening his eyes tentatively, he found himself encased within a giant dome-like shield, the arrows bouncing harmlessly off its shimmering surface.

As the chaos raged on outside the protective barrier, Skyler exchanged a stunned glance with the two German soldiers who had shielded him, their expressions mirroring his own disbelief at the miraculous turn of events. It was then that he realized the true source of their salvation: Aiden, standing tall amidst the chaos, his hands outstretched as he wove intricate patterns of magic in the air.

In that moment, Skyler felt a surge of gratitude wash over him, mingled with a profound sense of awe at the incredible power wielded by his friend. Though the battle raged on around them, he knew that they were safe for now, thanks to Aiden's selfless act of heroism.

In that moment, amidst the chaos and destruction of war, a glimmer of hope flickered to life in Skyler's heart. For he knew that as long as they stood united against the forces of darkness, they would always find a way to triumph against the odds, no matter how dire the circumstances may seem. And with Aiden's magic shielding them from harm, they would continue to fight on, determined to protect their village and all those who called it home.

As the Germans ceased their barrage of bullets, their attention drawn to the miraculous shield that now enveloped them, they watched in awe as the arrows from the Orangorian soldiers outside the dome found their marks, striking down their foes with deadly precision.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Sir Roland could do nothing but curse under his breath as he witnessed the devastating turn of events. His carefully laid plans had been thwarted by the unexpected appearance of Aiden's protective magic, leaving him and his soldiers at a significant disadvantage against their seemingly invincible foes.

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