Girls Night In

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The cool breeze brushed past my cheeks and into my hair

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The cool breeze brushed past my cheeks and into my hair. I pushed my blue light glasses further up my nose as I looked up and saw Rory letting Dakota push his legs so he would fall to the ground. I watched as she climbed onto his chest giggling, he wrapped her up in his arms and blew raspberries on her cheeks. I couldn't help the smile that was slowly spreading across my face. I lifted my cup to my lips, the warm chocolatey liquid warming my body from the inside out. The fall in Bettendorf Iowa was closing in fast, the trees were already a beautiful orange and red hue. I pulled my blanket tighter around me.

It has been a week since we won our first game of the season. It was a gorgeous Saturday afternoon in Aspen Heights, which meant we weren't the only ones out enjoying the day. Our neighborhood was filled with all kinds of families. Kids rode bikes down the sidewalks, they chased each other around yards, and squealed as they climbed trees and playsets. I loved everything about living here, but I hate the cold. I am not a mountain girl, I prefer beaches and warm weather all year round.

I sat on our back porch with my laptop balancing on my thighs as I gave my brain a break from writing. I watched my siblings chase each other around the trees, laughing and shouting. Usually watching them gives me inspiration for writing my book. It's been at least a month since the last time I've written anything. I was able to write a few details last night but I was exhausted after practice. I sighed as I stared at my computer. Writers block is the absolute worst. I felt a sudden vibration under my leg. I pulled my phone out and saw the team group chat was alive. I smiled as I opened the messages.

Ava: Hey ladies! Who's down to go on a little shopping spree?! Forever 21 is having a sale and there is a pair of pants I NEED!

Lynn: Count me in! I need to get out of my house anyway.

Caroline: If I ever say no to that kind of deal, please someone slap me.

I giggled while reading the texts coming through. I glanced at my laptop, the cursor of impending doom blinked at me. I think I need to get away from my book and have a reboot. I closed my laptop and focused back on the texts.

Me: I'll drive!

I smiled as I picked up my laptop and ran inside, careful not to slosh my hot chocolate all over myself. Once I arrived in my room I set my laptop down on my desk along with my cup. A day out with the girls has always been one of my favorite things to do. I ran around my room and pulled out my favorite cut off's, a long sleeve shirt along with my green puffer vest. I fought to get my socks on before I slipped on my Ugg's. I threw my hair into a yellow flower claw clip before grabbing my bag, keys, and cup. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey momma, I'm going to go out with the team for a bit. Do you need anything while I'm out?"

"Do you think you could pick up some Ricotta cheese for dinner tonight?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder from doing the dishes.

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