Modern Idiots Pt.3 - thank you bRittAnEy

Start from the beginning

Anya doesn't respond.  She leans on the armrest and waits for the younger girl to look up at her.

Once she finally does, Anya holds the eye contact for a prolonged moment, trying to read the most unreadable girl she knows. 

Lexa seems nervous. Conflicted. Wanting to seem fine when she is clearly anything but, pinched tightly into herself on the couch, leaned forward on her knees. The calm surface expression barely masking what she knows to be a whirwind of thoughts going on inside that must've finally driven her to show up here in the first place.

"Lex..." Anya prods with careful discretion, "You can tell me, you know."

"Tell you what..." Lexa weakly pushes back, the bubbles in her chest growing. Her skin clearly flushed. 

Anya leans forward and places her glass on a coaster.

"Whatever is going on with you lately, really going on..."

"Just been and all." She sips at her drink, wincing at how strong it is, "I just...needed some space."

Anya leans back in the chair again, surveying Lexa with a scrutiny, but unable to peel back all her hardened layers herself. Only one person has ever been able to do that.

"Listen..." She starts with another sigh, "You can lie to yourself six ways to Sunday kid..." Lexa's eyes flick up to her without moving her head, "But just once...please... for the sake of your OWN sanity... and mine... just say what you want. What do you WANT Lexa?"

The actress sits back and pulls the white blanket up over her shoulders, gnawing on her lower lip, eyes drifting back and forth between the two glasses on the table as Anya pushes her in a way she's never done

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The actress sits back and pulls the white blanket up over her shoulders, gnawing on her lower lip, eyes drifting back and forth between the two glasses on the table as Anya pushes her in a way she's never done.

"You want to fight for her? You want to get over her? You want to never have to commit to any one person ever again? I'll plug my ears so I don't even hear it but just SAY IT outloud just ONCE...please!"

She felt the truth simmering, ready to boil over. It was Anya. Of all the people that she shouldn't fear judgment from. The person who she trusted to talk sense into her.

Wise, old-man Anya, who wouldn't hesitate to beat her over the head with logic if that's what she needed to free her from this wretched longing plaguing her.

If there was anyone she trusted to tell her she was probably best off dropping all of this once and for all and moving on...

Or someone to tell her she should throw caution to the wind and just go for it despite all the reasons screaming at her not to... It was Anya. 

"I think...if I'm being honest..." Lexa timidly mumbles, "I think I want-"

A key turning in the deadbolt stops her mid-sentence, and her muscles tense seeing Raven shoulder through the doorway with a bag of takeout in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

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