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"ladies and gentlemen! We have arrived at Frostmond"

An announcement was heard as they, a group of six friends cheered while watching the boat as it docked

Jeonghan stepped out of the ship and onto stable land after spending six hours on the boat

"God I'm so glad we're on land now!" One of his friends, Cheon Sarang said as she stretched her arms above her head

Thet all were quite tired from the boat ride and wanted to rest

"But we still have to walk to reach Amberstorm" Choi San, another of thier friends and the one who had suggested the town for holiday, spoke

All of them groaned as Song Mingi, the tallest of the group leaned his head on Jeonghan's shoulder even if he did have to lean down a bit

"We'd better get moving though or it'll get dark" Min Yuri, one of the three girls spoke as they all nodded

Jeonghan and five of his friends have decided to take two weeks off for a vacation together and San, their quite recently made (2 years ago) friend had suggested the town claiming that he'd visited before and that the place was perfect

And so far, jeonghan agreed fully with San. It was all really beautiful.

Tall trees with leaves gold in colour were all around them and the entire place seemed like it was built in the olden times

Which he had found was actually true once he'd searched the place. The town was built in the 1800's and had stayed mostly unchanged since then

"Hey Baek Yunseo! Hurry up!" Sarang shouted at the other girl who was busy tying her shoe lace and had been left behind

"I'm coming! Jeez!" She shouted back, jogging to catch upto them all as jeonghan smiled at her

"Hannie" Yuri called to jeonghan as he  turned his head to face her

Jeonghan was supposedly the mother of the group as said by the other five. This was since he'd be the one to usually take care of anyone if they fell ill

He was also apparently really good at communicating with both men and women. But who knows

"Yeah yuu?" He asked her, slinging his bag higher over his shoulder with one hand as the other dragged a suitcase behind him

"Do-do you have any pads? I think I got my period" she softly spoke into Jeonghan's ear as his mouth fell agape for a moment before he quickly stopped to rummage through his bag

"Here, wrap this jacket around yourself for now" he told her, handing her the jacket which she wrapped around herself

By now the other two girls had understood the situation and had made a semicircle around them

"I have like two pads on me" he told her apologetically as she shook her head while taking them from him and putting them into her bag

"Don't worry. I have a pack with me. I'll give them to you later" sarang quickly said as jeonghan sighed in relief before they resumed our way towards Amberstorm

It took another 10 minutes before they finally saw the board indicating they'd reached Amberstorm

They all pushed San forward to lead them all to the hotel he'd booked

They soon reached an old looking four storyed white building with a red roof with a huge sign hanging on it which read;

Refugee's Abode

Jeonghan found the name a tad weird but chalked it up to the fact that the place was probably atleast 50 years old

They all walked inside as San got two room keys from the receptionist who was so drop dead pretty as he turned towards the rest "the dudes in 203 and women in 204"

Sarang took the keys from San as the six of them went to their own rooms which were thankfully only on the second floor.

As they all moved towards the staircase, jeonghan managed to read the nametag of the receptionist, 'kang Yeosang' as the man gave jeonghan a big smile

The rooms were quite nice too, spacious with three single beds. There was also a large window overlooking the streets which were bustling with people

There was a small door which led out to a small balcony overlooking the town as well

Thet all dumped their suitcases into the closet and proceeded to flop right onto the beds, exhausted

Jeonghan took the bed closest to the balcony door as San took the one closest to the door of the room. That left Mingi with the middle bed but the male seemed content with it

Mingi was always a sweetheart. Ever since San introduced himself to the group two years ago, he'd been so sweet

His patience was very high but voice just as deep. He was always nice to everyone but once he'd gotten really mad when his day had been going horribly wrong and a barista had very obviously tried to flirt with him

He'd slammed his fist on the counter and yelled at her, still in that deep ass voice of his, about how her actions were inappropriate and unwanted

To say everyone was shook to the core would've been an understatement.

The girls had aldready written down a list of things they all would do for the next two weeks so their entire time was planned almost to the tee

Jeonghan was exited about exploring the town as he'd read some very intresting things about the place

Double update

Also happy birthday to Jay🎉🎉 🎉
May he live a happy and content life

Until then,
Hope you all enjoyed~~


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