The Beginning

604 31 4

128 AC

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

128 AC

King's Landing, Crownlands

Vanora easily finds her father once the sky begins to grow dark. Daemon is reading a book by the fireplace in the large room that he and Rhaenyra had been put up in.

When she enters, he slams his book shut and sets it aside, "Did you enjoy your time with Helaena?"

Settling in the armchair across from him, Vanora shrugs noncommittally, "I missed her."

"Hmm," he levels her with a look, "Did you happen upon anyone else," his tone is nonchalant, but Vanora knows he's fishing for information.

"I saw Aemond briefly," she says casually, pretending she doesn't notice when Daemon tenses up and his expression grows colder.

"Ah, my lovely nephew," sarcasm bleeds into his tone, "Still a brat I expect."

For once, Vanora agrees with him, "A bit."

Daemon seems taken aback then his eyes narrow in anger and he sits up straighter, as if readying himself for a fight, "Did he do something to you?" Sighing, Vanora sags further into the chair, "He didn't even acknowledge me."

Internally, Daemon is relieved. He'd been worried about one of his nephews setting their sights on Vanora and was already plotting to keep them away.

"Someone like that isn't worth your time," says Daemon, treading lightly. He knew that if he told her to stay away from him then Vanora would do the exact opposite.

"I thought him and I were friends," Vanora says, "Maybe I was the only one who thought so," with a wry smile.

Daemon leans over and pats her leg comfortingly, "Your stepmother and I would not be upset if you'd rather not show up to dinner tonight."

Shit. Vanora had completely forgotten about it. On one hand, she'd really love to take her father up on his offer but the other part of her didn't want Aemond to think he held any power over her.

Mind made up, "I'll be there," Vanora says firmly, "I'll get dressed with Rhaena and Baela."

Daemon isn't surprised. His daughter has never been one to back down from intimidating situations. She was like him in that regard.

"Best be off then. My brother has requested that none of us are late," Daemon glanced at the now dark sky, "There's not much time left to spare.


Vanora had been confident about attending the dinner when she was talking to her father, but now she wasn't so sure. She stared at herself in the body length mirror, as she had been doing for a while now. Her curly hair just wouldn't cooperate with her and the dark red dress she was wearing clashed with her violet eyes.

Treaty of Faith | Aemond Targaryenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें