Marriage at a Funeral

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127 AC

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127 AC

Driftmark, Blackwater Bay

Vanora hates etiquette lessons.

"Now, it's high time we discuss marriage," Rhaenys says and Vanora groans, sending the twins into a fit of giggles.

Vanora gives Rhaenys pleading eyes, "Grandmother please, anything but that, I beg of you," causing the twins to laugh even harder.

Rhaenys glares at the two young girls and they immediately go silent. Making her expression stern, she looks at Vanora, "You are ten and five, you must take this seriously. Unlike your sisters, marriage will be sooner rather than later for you."

Vanora grimaces after picturing herself married, "Can't I just be a dragonrider and remain in Driftmark with you and grandfather?"

The older woman's face softened, "I wish that could be the case but he and I won't hold Driftmark forever. You must marry into a noble household."

"I can't think of anyone I like enough to marry," Vanora frowns, "Every man I've met has been boring."

"Marriage isn't about love for people like us," explains Rhaenys gently, "It's about duty. Your father will find you someone that will help forge a political alliance."

Vanora rolls her eyes, "I've nothing to offer," and huffs, "Why would they want to marry me?" 

The princess levels her with a look, "There's still the chance you might inherit Runestone from your late mother."

"They said they'd allow me a chance to contest it when I come of age," clarifies Vanora, "Though I doubt it," she scoffs in annoyance, "They're simply waiting for me to turn ten and eight so they can officially name Ser Gerold heir of Runestone."

A couple years ago, Daemon had sat her down to explain why she was never named heir of Runestone. Apparently, her mother's relatives were divided in deciding who should be heir. Some of them wanted to honor Rhea's wish to hand it down to Vanora.

Though the majority were against it, claiming that Ser Gerold was a better fit. In the end, a compromise was reached. Ser Gerold would temporarily hold the seat in Runestone until Vanora came of age. Then, everyone would gather there to make a final decision.

"True as that might be, whether you inherit Runestone or not, a noble family will not turn down the chance to gain the crown's favor by having one of their sons marry the King's niece." 

Vanora sighs, knowing she's lost, "Whatever you say grandmother. I will do my duty when the time comes," with a touch of sarcasm that doesn't go unnoticed by her grandmother.

Before Rhaenys can scold her, Ser Corlys bursts in, "Rhaenys," the man is out of breath and disheveled. Her grandsire was always so put together so to see him otherwise filled her with dread.

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