Secrets and Slueths

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Clara wasn't in the best mood that night, that much was obvious to anyone who was a victim of her cold glare. Clara Mairi was by no means a rude woman. She was kind, empathetic and compassionate...when she was in a good mood. Bad moods were just as bad as her good mood were good.

Imogen had completely ripped Violets shoulder apart to the point Nolan, the healer, had to mend it. Her mood especially soured when Violet told her that Dain had attempted to convince her to join the scribes, again. Violet had restated that she did not want to leave the riders and when Dain had rebutted against that Clara had blown up and chewed him a new ear. And ego.

'In 1, 2, 3. Out 1, 2,3. In 1,2,3. Out 1, 2, 3.' She thought while calming down that night. Most people were sleeping but Clara was wide awake. She was thinking. Of what, she couldn't say, but what she did know was that she felt unease settle in her stomach. Clara's mind was so busy with thought she had no room for sleep so, in hopes to clear her mind, she stood up quietly and silently left their shared room. She had no place in mind but she knew she had to get some fresh air, and she would not find that close to Basgiath. She walked down the valley and came across a group of marked ones, her brother included.

"Uhh what's happening here?" She questioned. "If you guys get caught you could be well on your way to execution." She worried over them. Their conversation stopped and their movements stilled as they turned to her.

"Clara you weren't supposed to be here" Liam muttered walking over to her shivering figure. "And you're freezing" he said trying to hand her his jacket.

"Im fine Liam, but if General Sorrengail finds out about this..." she trailed off with a shiver. They all knew quite well what would happen if they were caught.

"We've done this for two years and they've never found out" Xaden responded, folding his arms over each other in typical fashion. "They're not going to unless one of you tells them. And if you tell, I'll know" The threat was obvious, if not by his tone then by his narrowed gazing, sweeping over each member in turn. "Like Garrick said earlier" he motioned to a tall, dark-haired man with pale skin, whose shoulders could take up twice the space of any first year, standing opposite him and wearing the rank of third year. "We've already lost two first years due to their own negligence. There are only forty one of us in this quadrant, and we don't want to loose any of you, but we will if you don't help yourselves. The odds are always stacked against us, and trust me, every other Navarrian in the quadrant will look for a reason to call you a traitor or force you to fail. A mutter passed through the crowd and Clara's breath hitched towards the end of his spiel at the implication.

"How many of you are getting your asses handed to you in hand-to-hand combat?" Xaden asked.

Four hands shot rapidly into the air, none of which belonging to either of the blonde twins. "Shit," Xaden swore as he lifted a hand to his face.

Garrick, to his left, sighed "I'll teach them"

Xaden quickly shook his head "your our best fighter—"

"You're our best fighter," Bondi, another tall dark haired man, countered.

"Dirtiest fighter maybe" Imogen snarked. Clara was still pisssed at her but she still smirked.

"Fucking ruthless is more like it" Garrick added with a nod.

There was a general consensus of nods including one from Clara and Liam. "Garrick is our best fighter but Imogen is right up there with him., and she's a hell of a lot more patient."

"Ludicrous" Clara muttered. Imogen face flashed with hurt while Xaden eyes flickered over to her quickly but he continued

"So the four of you will split yourselves up between the two of them for training. A group of three won't draw any unwanted attention." The first years nodded as Imogen and Garrick stood up taller.

"I can't do this" a gangly first year said, rolling his shoulders inward and lifting his finger to his face.

"What do you mean?" Xaden asked, his voice hardening.

"I can't do this!" The smaller one shook his head again. "The death. The fighting. Any of it!" His voice took on a crescendo with each statement. "A guy had his neck snapped on assessment day! I want to go home! Can you help me with that?" Every head swung to Xaden, including the twins.

"No" Xaden shook his head "you're not going to make it. Accept it now and you won't take up anymore of my time." Nothing could smother Clara's gasp. That wasn't the way to do things. Everyone could admit that. The smaller guy looked troubled and Clara couldn't help but place her hand on his shoulder.

"That was a little harsh cousin" Bondi said, lifting his brow.

"What do you want me to say Bodhi?" Xaden cocked his head side ways. "I can't save everyone, especially not someone who isn't willing to work to save them selves"

"Damn Xaden. Way to give a pep talk" Garrick rubs the bridge of his nose.

Xaden then went on a tangent Clara did not have the time for before asking "Now, someone give me a problem I can solve." He had ordered.

"Battle brief" a first year from third wing said. "It's not that I can't keep up, but the information... "

"That's a tough one" Imogen responds. Is the moonlight her profile is almost u recognisable as the Imogen who shredded Violets shoulder. She was ruthless. Angry. Sultry. This Imogen was soft, eyes weary, her posture relaxed.

"You learn what they teach you" Xaden started "Keep what you know. Recite what they tell you to."

The first year nodded "Thanks,"

"Anyone else. You better ask now we don't have all night" Xaden asked once more.

"When do we get to kill Violet Sorrengail?" A guy towards the back asked.

Clara stiffened, ready to defend her friend whether by word or by fists. The murder of agreement that rolled through the crowed didn't ease her worries.

"Yeah Xaden" Imogen said sweetly, lifting her green eyes to him "When do we finally get to have our revenge"

With a hand on the dagger at her waist she responded "The fuck you will. Violet has done nothing. Touch her again and we're done Imogen." She threatened. Her voice was cold, unlike her usual trill soprano.

"I already told you the youngest Sorrengail is mine, and I'll handle her when the time is right."

'Didn't you already learn that lesson, Imogen?" Bodhi chides from halfway down the circle "What I hear, Aetos has you scrubbing dishes for the next moth for using your powers on the mat."

Imogen whips her head in his direction "Her mother is responsible for the execution of my mother and sister. I should've done much more than snap her shoulder"

"Her mom is responsible for the murder of nearly all our parents." Clara countered "Not her daughter. Punishing the children for their parents actions is the Navarrian way, not the Tyrian"

"So we get conscripted because of what our parents did years ago and shoved into this death scentence of a college—" Imogen starts.

"In case you didn't notice she's in the same seat sentence of a college" Garrick retorts "Seems like she's already suffering the same fate"

"Don't forget, her brother was Brennan Sorrengail" Xaden added, "She has just as much reason to hate us as we do her." Her gave Imogen a pointed look "And I'm not going to tell you again. She's mine to handle, anyone feel like arguing?"

Silence reigned over the group

"Good" he finished, standing to the side of the group. "You can all leave now"

Without another word Clara left. Feet stomping through the tall grass and arms swaying by her side. 'How could they all be so hard headed and thick skulled' she sulked while heading toward the tall building in the distance. 'They're all so...-Ugh!' She knew, deep down, she could never say anything against the marked ones. They were her family,

whether she liked it or not

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