First day jitters and Sparring Accidents

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Clara stood in formation that morning as the death roll was read off. She was stood next to Violet and Rhiannon who had quickly befriended the girl that morning and she had gladly accepted. As each name was read off, Clara commended each soul to malek, the god of death, on her own. Dain stood in front if the girls, Clara's eyes roaming around the formation a bit. Long periods of standing were not her favourite but really, who did like them. Her eyes landed on the Second Squad, Flame Section of her wing and she caught the eyes of her brother. He turned his head as he felt the staring and caught Clara's eyes before smiling at her, one which she returned happily. As captain Fitzgibbon read the last name on the roll a scribe took it from him and they walked away quietly.

"Let's hope you all ate breakfast. You're not getting another chance before lunch." Dain started and Clara turned subtly at Violet who seemed to be, staring at him? Very fiercely.

"He's good at pretending he doesn't know you" Rhiannon commented

"He is" Violet agreed as her shoulders slumped and she gave up trying to look at him.

"You know our squad leader?" Clara asked the shorter girl next to her

"Yeah" Violet replied "we were childhood friends before he decided to come here"

"Oh cool! that's neat vi" Clara exclaimed before clamping her hands on her mouth. "Sorry" she whispered at the surrounding people who glared slightly at her.

Dain ignored the conversation and continued, "Second and third years, I'm assuming you know where you're going?" Mumbles came from the few of them there as they broke off from the group and headed to their classes. Dain returned his gaze to the first years and continued "Fiest years, at least one of you should have memorised your schedule yesterday, stick together. I expect you all to be alive when we meet this afternoon in the sparring gym" Clara smiled, she was excellent at sparring.

"And if we're not?" A rather rude boy sounded from Clara's left

"Then I won't have to bother learning your name" Dain responded cooly before turning on his heel and walking away.

"Come one Vi, let's go" Clara nodded her head the academic wing as she began walking, following a guy named Sawyer, who was  apparently a First Year repeat.

"You have 20 minutes to get to your class" he said turning to the 9 first years following him. "Fourth floor, second room in your left in the academic wing. Get your shit and don't be fucking late"

As Violet and Rhiannon struck up a conversation about Sawyer, Clara ignored them but remained by their side until they got to battle brief. Their first class, shared with all years. Clara sat next to her brother at the middle of the room as silence befell them and Professor Denver's walked out.

"Welcome to your first battle brief. In the past, riders have seldom been called into services before graduation. And if they were " she clasped her hands behind her back and move to the twenty foot map on the left side of the room " they were always third years who'd spent time shadowing forward wings, but we'd expect you to graduate with the full knowledge of what we're up against. It's not just about knowing where everything is stationed either" Devera looks around, making eye contact with each first year "you need to understand the politics of our enemies, the strategies of defending our outposts from constant attacks and have thorough knowledge of battle last and present. If you cannot grasp these topics then you have no business on the back of a dragon. This is the only class you'll have everyday, because it's the only class that matters if you're called into service early." Her gaze sweeper left your right but catch on Violet and flare when she realises who she is. "This class is taught everyday and is based on current information. You will also have Professor Markham who deserves nothing but your respect." As Markham steps forward, Devera whispers something to him and his eyes whip toward Violet who was a couple tables away from Clara and Liam.

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