Chapter 2

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The memories came flooding back like a Tsunami flooding an already flooded street. The scenario played in his mind: Celeste waiting at the altar with her beautiful blue dress flowing down the small steps. She waits and waits for hours, maybe days for him.

But he doesn't show.

Then he remembered it from a different perspective: It was him lying in bed, not ready to marry a woman. His suit, already laid out on the ironing board, ready to be worn. He contemplates his decision as he tosses and turns in his silky soft bed. The wedding invitations that he designed, on the table along with letters of congratulations from family and friends.

He can't do it.

Leander snapped back to reality, tears rolling down his cheeks continuously. The creature had disappeared and he was left alone in his desolate, dark room. Leander cautiously peered around the room before he set himself down on the bed. He fell asleep for days, not waking up or moving yet he was still breathing. Almost a week later, he finally woke up with bags of coal under his eyes and rocks on his back. The dreams he bore with the long nights of sleep made him lose it.

Leander was ready to go.

He sat on his work desk, took out an old worn-out piece of paper, and started writing, the ocean blue ink staining the paper elegantly. He wrote vigorously, scribbling words of sadness and despair into the ragged paper as tears flowed down his soft, empty cheeks. When he was done, he sent the letter to his first and one of his only friends, Orion. Leander sent it through Orion's favourite bird, a crow, setting it free out of his window. He then took a spare knotting rope from his wardrobe and tied it around his neck as he stood on his stepping stool. Leander stood there contemplating his decision as he did once back then, Am I seriously going to do this...? He thought to himself for the last time. He whispered his last words,

"I'm sorry, Celeste..."

Then, he kicked the stool away, letting his body limp.

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