Chapter 1

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Months passed and Leander just couldn't stop thinking about Aquila's grave, and Celeste's beautiful smile. He missed her face, her touch, her kindness. Leander longed for her touch, the luminescence of the chandeliers, and the sound of her whispering his name with love.

He missed everything.

Everything he saw reminded him of her; from store names to the ocean. Everything was her. Leander barely even remembered what his past name was, all he knew was that Celeste, his queen, his one and only, his Cinderella, used to moan out his name in pleasure and sometimes she would cry his name over and over on her worse days.

When she was drunk, crying, daydreaming, or even in bed; her thoughts were filled with him, his name. Leander often cried himself to sleep, imagining Celeste or at the very least Aquila by his side, comforting him and snuggling up against him. Leander's daydreams and hallucinations made him lose his job, Orion strayed further and further away from him, and all he could do now was lay in bed and dream his life away.

More months passed and seasonal depression came again, with Leander in his worst condition. It hit him like a punch to the stomach, a hit to the head. Soon, his hallucinations turned against him, making him his living hell.

Faces started to distort and voices of reassurance and kindness turned bitter and sore to the heart. The Celeste Leander had been dreaming of turned pale and fury ran through her blood. He watched as the figure of the woman he once knew distorted, her mouth and eye sockets agape. Her hair was no longer the pearl blonde it used to be but instead was ink black, split ends everywhere, and her hair drenched with blood, making it look crusty and unwashed.

"Who are you!?..." Leander screeched in terror as his imagination grew stronger and acted against him as if they were actual living creatures.

The figure inched closer to Leander, trembling in fear, and whispered loud enough to echo the room, "I was your one and only, wasn't I? Why did you leave me? Alone at the altar..." it started to weep sheepishly.

Leander froze.

Why me...? (The epilogue)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt