My mind flashes back to all the times that my Father has told me that, and I clench my fist and go to punch him, but my fist hits air.

"Mike, get off of him, and get out of here. You're an idiot for you to think that you're going to be around here." I look down to see that Mike is on the floor, and Gabe has pushed him down there. "Leave." Gabe says, threateningly, and kicks Mike in the stomach.

I grimace automatically, remembering that very same kick that Gabe did to me that one day at the cemetery, and Mike groans and stands up extremely slow.

"You're lucky this time, Kim." Mike whispers to me, while holding his stomach.

"Whatever," I respond, and give him a dirty look. "You're just lucky that I didn't punch you."

Mike scoffs, and groans in pain.

After Mike walks off, I turn to Gabe. "Thanks, Gabe."

Gabe laughs, and pats my back. "No problem." He grins. "I love beating up people." My eyes widen, and he laughs again. "No, I won't beat you up... Anymore." I roll my eyes, and hold out my hand. "Did you get the tapes." I check the time, and grimace. She should be almost to the Art Class.

I have to hurry.

"Yeah." He pulls the little disc tape out of his pocket. "All you need is a TV."

"Um.. Okay... I have to bring it into the Gym. Where do you think I could get one?"

He shrugs. "Probably the Teachers lounge."

I flip my hair, and run my fingers through it to straighten it out. "Okay. Thanks for everything that you've done."

"No problem." He smiles. "I know that I always haven't liked you... I hated you. But, you've changed." Gabe hits my back. "You're a good guy."

"Thanks." I chuckle. "I've got to get going." As soon as I say that, the bell rings, and without saying anything else to Gabe, I run towards the Teachers Lounge.

I have to get in the Gym before the next class starts.

After all that work of trying to convince the secretary to let me have the T.V, I drug it to the back part of the Gym, two seconds before the bell rung for class to start. I heard a few of the students asking why there was a T.V in the Gym, but most of them just paid attention to the Gym teacher.

I hope Jennie can figure out these clues. She should be able to, because they're not hard. And I know she's smart.

Too smart.

Sometimes I wish she wasn't as smart. But then again, I love how smart she is. I wouldn't change a thing.

I hate this love thing. I've always made fun of people who were this mushy. It's stupid. But, now that I know how it feels, I have no choice but to be mushy.

During class, I hide under the bleachers so no one can see me. Yes, it's uncomfortable to be hiding under here for forty-five minutes, but it's funny watching these freshman play what they think what basketball is.

As I watch the time, I get more and more jittery, knowing that Jennie could come in here any minute.

I wonder what she's going to think.

When the bell rings, and everyone walks out, I start to think that she's not going to come in, and my stomach drops. But then I see a brown headed girl walk in, and smile.

She's here. I stand up then walk in front of the bleachers, and I watch as she places her hand over her mouth.

"Oh..My..." I hear her say.

I hope that, that is a good sign.

I walk towards her, and I hear the video tape talk.

"Move. I'll do it." I hear my voice on the T.V say, and I stuff my hands in my pocket.

"Okay Jennie, I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt." I join in at this point, causing her to jump.

"But I'm doing this because you need to breathe."

She turns around quickly, letting me see her beautiful, blushing face.

We stand there looking at each other, and I want to say something, but I didn't plan what to say after this point. So, my tongue is frozen.

I can hear the tape rolling, and Jennur screaming and crying. My heart aches whenever she screams that we were all jerks, and no matter how much I try, I can't push the tears out of my eyes.

The tape stops, and I hear it click. "Yes, Taehyung?" She asks. I guess she realized I wasn't going to speak first.

I sniff,and blink rapidly to try to not cry. "Jennie, I really need to tell you that I am sorry. For every single thing that I have done in my life to you. You have been nothing but nice to me, and I have taken that to my advantage. I never realized how much you really meant to me, and how much.." I try to think of a word that word describe how I feel, but I can't think of one, and a few tears fall down my face, then I turn my face away from her to try to hide them from her.

Be strong, Tae

"How much..?" She trails off, and I realize that she's crying too, because she sniffs.

I look back at her. "H-how much I-I'm really in love you."

No matter how long I'm going to live, I'll always remember the glow in her eyes in this moment. "What?"

"This is where we first kissed." I spread my arms out. "And where I started having some kind of feelings for you." I take a step towards her, silent tears falling from my eyes. "And this is where I told you that I love you." I grab Jennie's tiny hands, and look directly into her eyes. "Please forgive me, Princess."

She smiles, and I know that she believes me, and that she's mine now. "Taehyung, I...I love you too. And I forgive you." I let out a little laugh, and I pick her up, and twirl her around. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!!"

Now, this part I never planned, but when I put her down, I take her face in both of my hands and kiss her as hard as I can.

I love her lips.

What surprises me though, is she wraps her arms around my neck, and kisses me back.

But everything is ruined when I hear one voice. One voice that I never considered. One voice that should have never been in there.

One voice that I hate.

"Jennie, what are you doing?"

We both break the kiss, and turn towards the door to see, Eli standing there, staring at me with hatred, and looking at Jennie with wide eyes.

I hate him.

✔The Nerd And The Jerk [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now