"Huzaifa, I expected some sense from you. The way you did all this is giving an idea that you might have engaged to someone else. If anyone from our family would see this, do you know what will happen? It's a blessing that Hiba was the one to see it first. I can't even imagine if anyone else would have checked your post and asked us about this unseen engagement, what would we have answered? Be mature, Huzaifa. You aren't a kid anymore," Haider said, with his usual cold and to-the-point demeanor.

"I can't understand why you all are making a fuss out of this. If I am not mature, why are you even giving your dearest Unaiza to an immature person like me? She doesn't deserve to become a bait here." He raised a question innocently.

Tashfeen huffed angrily. "Maybe I should really consider it now."

In the meanwhile, a worried Unaiza entered the scene followed by Ishmal. Huzaifa scanned her and when their eyes met, she understood what was this all about.

Aqia grabbed her hand and caught the sight of the ring. "What's this?"

Unaiza again looked at Huzaifa as her throat went dry. "That..."

"She has no mistake in all of this. I threatened her to break off this marriage so she complied with me only because of the humiliation which she didn't want to feel one more time. Leave her alone. Talk to me because I am the only one to be blamed here," Huzaifa murmured, without any hint of reluctance in his tone.

Unaiza's eyes widened at this. Why was he doing that? There was no such thing happened last night. She made him give this ring to her because she wanted it.

That was enough for Tashfeen. He couldn't take it anymore. "Go back to your room Unaiza. I knew it all along that all this is caused by none other than him," he snarled.

"But," Unaiza murmured but there was no one here to listen because Huzaifa had saved her. Ishmal took her back by holding her hand.

Why Huzaifa was doing that?


Somehow they indicated that this engagement had occurred in their presence to everyone in their family. The issue was resolved for now but another issue persisted and that was how Huzaifa had been behaving. The fact that he was not acting nicely with Unaiza was in the minds of everyone. Did he really threaten her first for that date and then this engagement? How would he treat her after the marriage then?

"I can't trust him with Unaiza. I am going to call off this marriage," Tashfeen announced, as he snapped his jaw together in fury.

Aqia's breath caught in her throat. "This can't happen. The date is fixed and the guests are here."

Tashfeen scowled at her. "I don't care about anyone. I care for Unaiza. That bastard will hurt her to piss me off. He already started it even when he wasn't her husband. After marriage, God knows what will he do to her. I won't be closing my eyes on obvious indications. Unaiza is too precious for me that I will ruin her life for my you or anyone else."

"She won't be able to bear the rejection again, Tashfeen. Try to understand," she reasoned.

"And what about the hell which your son will make her life? I would rather allow her to bear the rejection than to leave her in the pawns of that jerk," he growled.

"Huzaifa can't do that. He cares for her too. I don't know why he is doing that," Aqia mumbled, holding her head in between her palms.

"My decision is the same. Cancel this marriage and throw that bastard out of this house as soon as possible. I don't want to breathe in the same air as him anymore. He took enough advantage of me," Tashfeen rumbled, standing up with a jerk.

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