"It's raining hen!" Babs screams while falling down, then knitting.

"What's this caper, love?"

"We're flying"

"Obviously" the chickens jumps, then flips.

"Flippin' hell. Look at this, Fetch"

"They're gonna kill themselves! Wanna watch?"

"Yeah, all right"

they both walk, then the chickens run on a treadmill, with Mac losing control, leaving two chickens on a treadmill, then the chickens jump on a pillow while Nick and Fetcher watch them.


"Aww!" a chicken screams and land hard.


"Oi! Careful of those eggs!"

they both laugh, then Bunty runs by holding a chicken, throwing in a kettle.

"Sunny-side up" the chicken throws Mac on the ground.

"Now they're over easy!"

the chicken pulls the rope, then the chicken spins around, then landing on a dirt.

"Definitely scrambled" they all run to a roof.

"Go! Go! Go! Go, go, go, go! Go!"

"Poultry in motion!"

Ginger runs by Rocky, then flapping his hands, then landing on the chickens.

"Birds of a feather flop together" he gasps, then falling down at the chickens, with feathers flying.

"Good work, ladies. Great work! The pain you're feeling is a good thing. It's good. Pain is your friend, okay? It's a positive thing. Just keep the faith there, uh... What was your name? Agnes! You'll get there. Ducky, I think you flew four feet today"

"Right, four feet! From the roof to the ground" they both laugh.

"It's all part of the process, ladies. Nothing to worry about"

"Ya cheese-eating little..."

Even the bad guys felt it, princess was sweeping the hay when she felt the ground shaking and looked curious.

"Hey the grounds shaking is that normal?" Wolf asked.

"Oh no this never happened before, stay right here I'll be back"

As princess ran, shark picks up a clipboard that contained a list of chores princess has to do: Milk the cows, Gather eggs, Feed the horses, Feed the chickens, Feed the pigs, Buck the hay, Brush the goats, Pick the vegetables, Sweep out the barn, Plow the fields, Water the garden Shear the sheep
Bath the dogs and remove the weeds

"Whoa! That doesn't sound good. Ha, ha, ha. Okay, the ground's shaking. Are we... Are we worried? Are we worried?"

the truck drives by the chickens, with leaves rolling out.

"The circus! Quick! Hide me! Hide me!"

"Come on"

"One isn't awarded a medal like this for flapping about like a lunatic-" the both run by Fowler.

"What? Now, see here! This is an officer's quarters!"

"Quick. In here"

"Get out of here immediately, sir!"

"Give it a rest, Pops" Ginger closes the door at Rocky.

"Out of here! I shall have you on a charge within the week!"

the chickens look to watch the truck drive, saying, "Poultry Products Ltd. Est. 1901", with Mr. Tweedy following the truck, then lifting up, followed by Mrs. Tweedy, then Mr. Tweedy follows by lifting the crates, then putting the crates down, then the chickens look in a binoculars, then the truck rolls away.

"Cheers, mate"  he shakes his head.

the chickens put the binoculars down, then throwing the binoculars, then they start whistling.

"It's all in your head. It's all in your head. It's all in your head"

"Miss Ginger what's happening?" Princess asked with concern feeling.

"I don't know but we need eyes on the inside see what's in there"

"Ok" princess sneaks inside to see Mr tweety cuts the box with a crowbar.

"Ooh!" Mrs. Tweedy takes the blades.

"What... What... What's all this then?"

"This is our future, Mr. Tweedy. No more wasting time with petty egg collection and minuscule profits"

"No more eggs? But we've always been egg farmers. Me father and his father and all their fathers. They was always..."

"Poor! Worthless. Nothings. But all that's about to change. This will take Tweedy's farm out of the dark ages, and into a full-scale automated production"
the knife blades pop out, gasping.

"Melisha Tweedy will be poor no longer" she puts the book on Mr. Tweedy.

"I'll put it together then, shall I?"

"What's all this then" they turned to see princess.

"Nothing to worry your pretty little head about, get back to doing your chores" she barked orders at princess.

"Yes Mrs tweety" princess ran as Mrs. Tweedy closes the doors staring at the chickens.

"This isn't good, Mac. Whatever's in those boxes is for us, and I don't think it's softer hay" ginger says when she sees princess.

"Well what did you find?" Ginger asked.

"Not good, I saw blades and I overheard saying they aren't going to be doing egg farm anymore I don't think I like what's in the box"

"Well good job princess thanks now run along before Mrs tweety find you"

"Aye, hen. And I hate to be the voice of doom, but I've been calculating my figures, and I just don't think we're built for flyin'"

"But I saw him. He flew in over that fence"

"Aye, aye, I believe you, but if we could just see it for ourselves, that may answer some questions"

"You're right. I'm sorry. We've been at this all week, and we're getting nowhere. If his wing were better, he could... Oh! I'll have a word with him"

Then she see Princess sneaking into the barn looking around to make sure no one was looking.

Suspicious, ginger follows her.

THE BAD GUYS IN: chicken runМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя