The last tour  

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Adaline's POV

Midway through the feast, or for me my one Apple a girl who seemed quite older than me most likely being a seventh year comes up and taps me on the shoulder

I look up right as she goes to sit beside me. She has a light smile on her face. I'm guessing not knowing how to approach me

"Um... Hi... Hello, my name is Lilith I'm head girl for Slytherin. I thought I should introduce myself."

She stutters slightly at the beginning before taking control of the conversation

"I would introduce myself, but I think the hat did it for me" I give her a light smirk

She chuckled awkwardly for a second before, realizing I truly was joking

I look past her, as she continues to talk making eye contact with the same boy from outside, but this time a different girl is practically attached to his side, her arms wrapped around his bicep as she kisses and licks up his neck to his mouth as they start to make out his eyes still connected to mine in the entire time. Only a disgusting womanizer would make out with a girl while staring at another, while at the dinner table. I make it quite disgusted look directly at him before turning back to Lilith, still talking

I think about how his eyes examined mine as if they were made of diamond, The way I read people's emotions is through eyes the one, not legal thing Bellatrix taught me, but for him, it's just one cold plate of steel I think about it all taking a bite of my apple, which was the only thing I was able to eat for dinner without getting nauseous

"Well since the head boy is introducing the first years to the castle I could show you and the other new fourth year starting. I don't know if you've met him yet, but his name is Elijah I can't remember his last name. I think it's Elijah um-"

"Elijah Blean... We've met already"

She gives me a quite shocked look as she nods her head slowly and continues to say

"OK well that will make this a lot easier" Right after she finishes her sentence, the older man who had given his speech earlier, returns to the podium, saying that we are allowed to leave the hall to head to our common rooms

"Ok well you can follow me"

I follow Lilith as we walk up to Elijah

Me and Elijah both nod our heads at each other, truthfully just acknowledging each other's existence as we both follow slightly behind Lilith as she shows us throughout the castle. She took us through where all of our classes would be who the teachers were and recommendations on how to get on the teacher's good sides.

After a while of Lilith showing us everything and chatting up a storm while me and Elijah just stood there quietly we finally headed to the top of the castle, where the dungeons and the Slytherin common room and dorms are.

Lillis walks up to a portrait of an old man and says "Pure blood" which the portrait begins to open

"OK, so each common room and dormitories have different passwords. Slytherin is pure-blood. You'll need to remember that if you want to sleep comfortably"

I just nod my head as I follow her down a very short hallway into a big room with multiple couches, a table, and an archway with two stairs that slightly curve

she bowed and put one hand out as if she was presenting us with a new car "This is our common room. You will need to be here or in your dormitory by 11 PM. Snape does Not like it when you're late." me and Elijah just nod

"OK now Elijah you'll need to go with our head boy Simon he'll show you to your dorm" she points to a not-so-tall looking seventh year, waving his hand for Elijah to come over. He looks back at me, giving me a nod Goodbye, I do the same out of respect

she links her arm and mine I tense slightly, trying to pull away, but she is already started to drag me to the other side of the common room and up the stairs to the girl's dormitory "I can show you to your new dorm, and introduce you to your new roommates"

I cock an eyebrow at her "Excuse me" She looks back at me with a shocked expression, throwing her hand over her mouth, realizing what she just said

"oh yeah since you are late, you're gonna have to be sharing a room with two other girls" she gives me a sincere smile, shrugging her shoulders innocently "but trust me they're amazing"

she continued to pull me through what seemed like a maze, but was in all reality only a few halls eventually knocked on a door enthusiastically for someone showing a new girl to her dorm

no one responds as she mumbles a sarcastic Well great, she takes out all of the keys in her pocket and starts trying it find the one for the room. When she gets it open I walk in seeing all my luggage and my beautiful tiny kitten sitting on what I suspect to be my bed

"Well, it seems as if your roommates aren't here so I can't exactly introduce you guys to each other but they should be here soon if you need anything I'll be down in the common room helping first years" I just nod looking around the room. It has already been decorated obviously since two other girls have already been in this room for two years.

"OK, well I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow" I turn around to give her a wave as she shuts the door.

I just look around at everything. There are two other beds to each side of mine a little living room area that has a couch two chairs and a tiny TV that looks to be a closet and another door which I suspect leads to a bathroom

I first take my darling cat, who I decided to name Astra out of her crate letting her walk around she ends up, settling on one of the two chairs.

I start to unpack my things, leaving all my valuables in the trunk and sliding it under the bed. The only things I took out were my clothes, shoes, and school supplies. I decided to hang the clothes in the tiny area that seemed to be cleaned out in the closet. I put them in order of color wanting my things organized as I stack my shoes in a similar order below my clothes

I put little things like a Chapstick, an eye mask, my medication, and my heating pad in my dresser sitting right beside my bed. I put my school books into my book bag, including all of my school supplies getting ready for tomorrow which will be the first day of classes

I finish unpacking leaving a lot if not most of my stuff in my trunk not wanting it to be out in the open for anyone to see or touch.

Decided to take a shower wanting to calm my nerves I grabbed a few things like my silk pajama set and headed to the bathroom. It's a decent-sized bathroom you could probably fit two people at once. I look in all the cabinets having to search for a moment for a few towels after finding some I jump in the shower, turning it as hot as I can. It's practically melting my skin off as I wash my hair and my body doing a everything shower in less than 30 minutes.

I change and put my hair up into a towel having thick, long, black curly hair is not always the best. I exit the bathroom begin to read the first looking around, not finding anyone else in the room yet except my kitten who is now snuggled up on the soft pillows of my bed. I flopped down beside her, pulled out one of my textbooks, and begin to read, wanting to prepare for tomorrow's classes just as I begin to read the first paragraph as I hear the door knob twist and the laughing of girls.———————————————————
1402 <3

I know this chapter was a little bit boring and short, but I didn't want to speed up the next chapter

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