The last carriage ride 

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Theodore's POV

After chatting and doing our own thing for about another three hours, we finally arrive at Hogwarts technically Hogwarts. It Hogwarts train station gets us on the carriages and takes all of us and our luggage up to the castle.

Practically the second the train comes to a halt, Astoria jumps up and tells us to grab all of our luggage we all do as told and follow her out of the cart trying to get out past all the rushing first years we get out.

right before we get out, I look back into that one cart seeing the girl once again sitting there, not even caring that the train has come to a complete stop and everyone else is exiting however, she does have her luggage sitting right beside her maybe just waiting until we all pass makes more sense than her just not getting off the train at all

my hypothesis comes to an answer as I see her exit the train and go sit on a bench, not too far away from where we're standing our group had to wait for carriages since a few first years got in front of us

I just stare off at the girl with dark black hair as Astoria and Pansy argue over who's going in what cart it's not all of us can fit into one

After pansy shoving me not moving me one single inch she gets me to turn around everyone else still arguing "Oh, she's pretty now that I get a better look at her"

I shove her shoulder slightly, giving her a don't you dare glance  "Hey back off, you ain't gotta steal every girl" I say. She gives me an almost hurt glance as I look over at her with scrunched eyebrows, wondering what I said wrong. She slaps her hand over her heart dramatically and saying

"hey, I still all the boys to, give me more credit than that." I just laugh as she does aside me as well Draco yelling at us to come on, not realizing that the rest of our group was already heading towards the next two carriages.

as I give one last look to the dark   haired girl Astoria just rolling her eyes at us for not paying attention to her sorting us into two different carriages, as if she were our professor

Me, Draco, and Blaise on the first one and Enzo, Astoria, and Pansy on the second. I just stare up at the sky, thinking about the girl, realizing that her hair is about the color of the sky and looks black and dark with a little bit of shimmer. I am normally really good at knowing people's energy whether they're good bad or a mixture, but there was no telling with her she had this weird void in between her and everyone else

Blaise and Draco were talking about something I just zoned off after a few minutes. Blaise shoves my knee getting me to pay attention to their conversation they were talking about how this year will be. We might even get slight extra respect with us being 3 years

First years were normally not allowed on the team, however, I did decide to try out anyway with some persuasion from my mother and made it first year.

After a while, we reach the top of the hill near the giant castle, it's fun for when to sneak off and be alone, which is what I really wanna do this year.

We reach the entrance to the castle, McGonagle lining kids up in their houses and then a head girl and boy from each house lining them up in age groups. I get off a little smirk as she takes two fingers and points to her eyes and then to mine saying that she's gonna be watching me,

McGonagle is probably my favorite teacher she acts sort of like a grandma to me always helping out whenever I need it giving me lenience on transfiguration, knowing I'm not the best at it. Last year when kids started talking about my mom she hushed them quickly. I hold a high respect for her unlike most teachers at this school

I get to Slytherin our head girl Lilith a seven-year in her robes, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and always has a smile on her face and flower clip in her hair walks up to us giving us a "welcome back. I think you know where you should be." all three of us just not as we see pansy and Enzo walking towards us.

We head to the third-year section standing back against the wall. I lean there observing everyone as Daphne Greengrass Astoria's sister who's been trying to get with me since her first year. She has a bit of a reputation, Astoria isn't very fond of her sister. She finds her sister quite bratty and annoying, and one time even called her a slut after a really bad fight.

She walks up to me with her usual seducing sway latches onto my shoulders, giving me kisses on each cheek and the corner of my mouth. I lean back slightly, trying to get her slightly off of me, her still clenching to my arm "Oh Theo I've been waiting to see you ALL summer"

Saying extremely dramatically as  Astoria looks over her shoulder, giving her sister a disgusted glance As pansy, looking me in the eyes, putting her tongue in her cheek and her hand at the corner of her mouth as if sucking something I know exactly what she's trying to jester, and I just give her a snarl as she rolls her eyes and walks up the stairs slightly so she can stand beside Draco

"How's your summer bin I know it couldn't have been too good without me," she says, trying to flutter her eyes seductively, failing miserably

I just gave her an annoyed glance, her not getting the hint as I said "It's been fine," Daphne just started to ramble about her summer and how much she missed me and wished she had me in her bed to cuddle her or something of the sort

However, I was not at all paying attention as I saw the raven girl get out of a cart with a Weasley and some blonde-headed chick I'd never seen and talk to some teacher, the teacher gave a shocked glance at something, she said her looking utterly bored and unfazed.

This is the first time I've ever truly been people to see her face it shining in the moonlight, and i shimmers just like her hair and her aura. Everything about her face is utterly perfect her cheek bones her little button nose and the small freckles lighting her cheeks the way her hair falls in her face and down her back being so long it's touching her tailbone.

She continues to walk towards the stairs, looking in my direction as we make eye contact for a split second before she looks away. Daphne finally snapped in front of my face, as I turned my attention back to her.

"yes," I say with an annoyed tongue as I just snarl at her for a second

She sizes loudly throwing one of her hands up while the other one stays firmly placed on my shoulder. "Did you not hear anything I said."

I start to say something, opening my mouth, a story of waving her hands and calling me over at the perfect time as I give her sister a nod and start to walk up the stairs and stand with my friend group her sister turns around with a hub and walking back to her little group of friends

"Please do not feed her delusions of you and her getting married and having children," Astoria says with a huff and a shake of her head Pansy just smiles and continues with

"Well, if he doesn't, then your sister might make a voodoo doll out of him" She let out a tiny chuckle as a story followed that up with

" yeah because my sister is totally smart enough to know how to work voodoo" She and Pansy start chuckling I just give a slight smile until I look over back at the line where the girl was standing chatting with a boy who looks around age at the end of the line my jaw clenches, not knowing why I seem so irritated by this I don't even know the girls name

Pansy nudges me making me realize that we're all headed into the great hall I peek over to the looking one last time as I follow the rest of my friends  just shake my head, looking back down at my friends, trying to get the girl off my mind because at the moment my body is reacting to her with utter and complete ridiculousness

1495 <3

I know this kind of short and boring, but to keep it under 2000 words which is what I'm trying to do for all the chapters I need to split this one and the next chapter up, sorry.

the last one. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat