The last look

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Theodore's POV

The night before I was supposed to get on the train to go to Hogwarts my father informed me he would not be here tomorrow morning having to go away on a "business trip" I just nodded, not wanting to speak to him. He stared at me that night the entire time through dinner, not with any emotion just intensity.

The next morning, I woke up to Mary the house elf knocking on my door, waking me up, telling me to get dressed for the train, and she packed the rest of my things

I got up and went to the bathroom to roll a joint. Seeing a red pair of panties lying on the floor. My dad decided to bust a hole and my mom's wall the other day so the neighbor hook-up came over later that night.

I guess you could say I had an extra hard night last night. I just remembered that this would be the first time my mom wouldn't take me to the train station realizing that the last time I ever talked to her was saying goodbye not knowing that I meant goodbye forever

it was about two weeks in the Hogwarts last year when I got a note from my father telling me my mother had passed. in the most
un-consolable way, a father could send a note of a mother's death

Dear Theodore Nott

after accidentally taking two of her nighttime pills and getting into the bath, your mother drowned not being able to keep her head above water. We will need you back in two weeks for the funeral. I've already signed a paper to inform your school of your absence for a week and then you will return to Hogwarts.

From your father, Tiberius Nott

trying to get the horrible thought of that note out of my brain as I open the window and finish the joint before leaving the bathroom, rolling up a few more, and taking a shower grabbing the joints I rolled up and shove them in my bag for Hogwarts

exit the room I see Mary packing the rest of my luggage as I lean on the door frame and say

"you know I can do that right, I'm not a baby anymore" she snaps around putting her tiny hand on her chest, holding it as if I gave her a heart attack

"I know you can, but I thought it might make it easier plus, it's my job"

she turns around and continues packing as I shake my head, opening the door to walk down the stairs to an empty kitchen my Father being nowhere in sight I fill up a giant coffee cup with a lid something I've gotten into after trying to get off of the alcohol

it's not that I was completely addicted or anything. It's just it was a good way to numb the pain so now I feel my body full of energy to make my thoughts run faster so I stop thinking about my mother.

I pack up some of Pansy and Enzo's favorite snacks they're always trying to spend Draco's money on stuff from the cart

once I'm done packing up the food, I go back up to help Mary pack the rest of my clothes. We finish packing as we walk downstairs. She looks up at me with a big smile and continues to say.

"I'm so proud of you, Theodore you are one amazing young man. I hope you have an amazing year"

I just smile at her nodding saying "Thank you Mary be safe and please don't work too hard"

"oh don't worry about me child, I'll be fine but you better hurry the train is gonna leave without you"

I get down on my knees to hug her her being so tiny. She hugs me back with her brittle arms as I stand back up, casting a spell towards my luggage to follow behind me as I take the portkey to the train station.

I look and see the giant familiar train in front of me seeing my friends looking around possibly for me but I just stare at the train remembering the last time I said bye to my mother

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