a new friend?

34 3 1

Agent 4 pov

Agent 4 arrives at the Radom place the zapfish is at and is ready until agent 2 (Marie) comes in the mic

Agent 2 (Marie): alright agent 4 this be easy it's the first kettle. anyways I'm gonna watch my true crime show I'll give u tips if u need help. Anyways dont bother me

Agent 4:u know you've been so sad since agent 1 has been gone

Agent 2 (Marie) didnt respond to that probably because she was watching her true crime back at cuttlefish cabin agent 4 thought she was depressed

Agent 4:damn I see how it is I'll just do better than that agent 3

As soon has agent 4 stepped out from cover. BANG! Shot by an e-liter but it wasn't like anyone she seen it was pink, but that didn't stop agent 4 she thought if she ran fast enough she wouldn't be shot. So she did and she got shot again, again, again, again, and again. Marie decided to give agent 2 (Marie) some advice

Agent 2 (Marie):this is sad. if agent 3 was here she would give u advice but she went on a trip

Agent 4:u know what I'm gonna befriend that octoling

Agent 2 (Marie):what!? There's no way are u crazy

Agent 4:yes I am

Agent 2 (Marie):if your deadass serious just take cover and keep going closer until u can talk to them

Agent 4: yipeeeeeee

Agent 4 took cover but got shot like four more times getting some zapfish on the way to that octoling. When she was closer she made her move also made sure to be close to cover

Agent 4:hii

As soon a agent 4 said hii she almost got shot

Agent 4:wait wait wait I'm not gonna hurt u I just wanna talk

???: talk why

Agent 4:idk u just seemed talented

???: well u seemed talented at dying

Agent 4:that's what everyone says they also say I'm never gonna be important cus I'm useless and there right but look at me know I'm gonna save inkopilis

???:glad your proving them wrong

Agent 4:oh I almost forgot to ask what's your name

Mal:oh uh I'm Mal and your agent 4 right

Agent 4:wow how did u know my name

Mal:oh people take about u a lot

Agent 4:I'm famous! Yipeeeee

As soon as agent 4 finished that sentence. BANG! splatted again, but not my Mal? Agent 4 eventually cleared the kettle and came back to cuttlefish cabin with agent 2 (Marie) on the couch watching a true crime case

Agent 2 (Marie):how did it go

Agent 4:I got splated 14 times but a made a friend

Agent 2 (Marie): did u actually befriend that octoling

Agent 4:yeah I got her name too she's really nice and I hope I can see her

Agent 2 (Marie): forgot to tell u but your doing three kettles tomorrow

Agent 4:I'm not gonna think about that and take a nap

Agent 4 went to agent 1's (Callie's) room because agent 2 (Marie) was now taking over the couch and was also depressed drinking coffee like it was alcohol. Agent 4 took a shower changed and listened to off the hook music to not think about the work she had to do tomorrow

(Hii poyoooo here just drop in and say thank to all the 211 reading my shitty story u guys are the best I never got this much attention online so I'm glad u guys enjoy this also story's might dropped out on later dates since I have a lot of work to do and I need to pass)

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