Chapter 5

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I wake up the next day, I have a sick feeling in my stomach and I can't figure out why. Christian is still asleep it's 7:30am, we have to head to practice at 8am. So I gently touch his back and he jumps, he always does this in the morning, I love our slow mornings together really sets me up for a good day.
"Good morning my handsome boy", I say to him.
"Good morning darling". Christian says.
I rest my head on his chest and look at him, his scruffy hair, his dreamy eyes, me thinking how lucky I am to have this man in front of me.
"So how was the night out with the team".
Christian looks like I've asked him something serious he replies with, "Em yeah it was alright". He gets up and goes into the bathroom and gets in the shower. He's acting weird I don't know why but oh well probably just hungover boy shit.

We get all ready, pack our bags and leave. We walk to practice we see Jackson and Emma, so we start walking with them.
Jackson says. "So you guys all good".
I reply with, "Yes of course, did you guys have good night last night".
Jackson looks at Emma knowing damn well what happened last night, he replies with, "Yeah it was fun".
I just nod and we all just walk to practice. I get to the changing rooms vibes are off, something feels weird. The boys have this weird tension between them and Sean just has his head down, and then all of a sudden everyone gets seannorris14 wants to airdrop you a photo. Everyone looks up at each other, then I press accept and I can't  believe what i'm seeing. It's Christian kissing Rachel wtf. I look at christian, "I I can explain", he says. I can feel the tears about to flood, I need to get myself out of there. I storm off, i'm running out of the changing rooms, Christian tries to follow but Emma immediately stops him.

I'm standing in the hall, i'm choking on my tears, i can barely breathe. Why would he do this to me? This can't be real. Emma notices me having a panic attack and brings me to her office to calm me down. Emma tells me about Christian going to there apartment last night and told me how he knows about Sean now. I reply with, "fck, what is actually happening right now, I need to speak to Sean why the fckk would he airdrop that picture what kind of person does that". I get up and start pacing i don't even give emma a chance to reply.

someone knocks the door. It's Jackson, He comes in walks over to Emma and sits beside her. He can see the state I'm in why is he being so chill. Then he says, "Lorna i'm really sorry about this happening last night, do you want me to tell you what happened?"
Do I even wanna know? I say to myself.
"Yes please tell me", I reply
Jackson begins to speak, "So basically gonna keep it simple, Rachel and Christian kissed, Sean got mad punched Christian, Christian came back to mine and I kinda told him about you and Sean, I didn't know that you didn't tell him, then he left to go home".
"Wait Sean punched Christian", I say confused.
Jackson responds with, "Yes".
I just sit in silence trying to process all this my emotions are getting the best of me and I don't know what I'm feeling. I just need to go home and see no-one because I know Christian will be here all day so I wont have to worry about facing him. I leave Emma's office and walk home, I feel so lost. I get home and throw myself on my bed and curl up in my blankets and rest my eyes from crying. I fall asleep.

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