Chapter 1

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Hockey Season is about to start. Im so so happy to be travelling around with Christian again. We are going to Belfast this season I'm so excited it's always been on my bucket list. So guys heres a little context My Name is Lorna and my boyfriend is called Christian and he plays ice hockey so we travel round for each hockey season together. We met 2 years ago at a game in Nashville, I was over seeing my family and we went to a game and there he was his curly brown hair, green eyes, we literally just fell in love. My uncle actually coaches for the Nashville Cowboys so of course i wanted to be introduced and on from there I've loved being his hockey wag.

Belfast here we come... Christian is being signed with the Belfast Giants, we are so excited I'm so proud of him. We have landed in Belfast we have to go straight to the arena. We get in the taxi and just relax because we have been travelling for 3 days but we have to freshen up because we are meeting the team and the girls in literally 20mins. I love meeting new girlies in the hockey seasons makes me so happy being surrounded by people who are in the same boat as me.

We make it to the SSE, we walk in and our greeted by this man i think he's the coach he points me in the direction of the wags and tells christian to come with him i give Christian and hug and whisper in his ear " you got this". I walk up these stairs in so for my tummy is in pieces. This girl opens the door and gives me a big hug I immediately feel so welcome. She introduces herself, "HEY, My names Emma I'm the social media manager, my boyfriend is Jackson."
She seems so lovely i walk into the room and meet all the other girls, they are all so sweet we just sat and talked while the boys were in practice. I looked down on the stadium it's so beautiful i just feel at home already, i look down on Christian he's in his element I just begin to smile.

The girls brought me down to meet the team, we walk into the changing rooms and the head coach introduces me to everyone, i smile and say "hey guys". I walk over to Christian and give him a hug. I feel eyes on me I look around and its Sean I couldn't believe it, me and Sean dated 4 years ago we broke up because of the distance always thought we would find each other again but didn't think it would be like this, wonder if he noticed me. I feel like we should talk but it can wait this day is about Christian.

Practice is over, everyone is going to a back to season dinner I'm excited to get all dressed up and just get to know everyone. Me and Christian head back to our apartment with all our bags I'm so excited to see this apartment it's our first time seeing it. I just love it, a view overlooking the ocean its just perfect i look at christian i just know this is where we are ament to be. We blast music and just dance in our new kitchen and just laugh he never feels to put a smile on my face. "Right time to get ready Christian we have 20 minutes", he grabs my hand and pulls me into him and softly kisses me and then says, "I'm not the one who takes ours to get ready" and smirks. "Sush you", i walk over to my case get my makeup bag and lift out my pretty pale pink dress and get ready.

We leave the apartment and start walking into town we have no idea where we are going, good thing i see Emma she asks us to walk with her and Jackson. We all just chat and dander into town. We get to this cute little restaurant everyone is there, we all sit down, vibes our good then.... Sean walks in , he's wearing a black suit my heart stops, why am i feeling like this. I just shake myself and pull myself together. Everyone's in conversation i feel myself following Sean every move he's at the bar, i get off my seat to go get a drink. He sees me and walks in my direction and says, "Didn't expect to see you this hockey season". I just look at him, the world stops for a moment. Christian comes up behind me and i never get the chance to reply. Maybe thats a good thing.

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