Chapter 3

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First hockey game of the season has just began. Im in the stands with the girls looking down on our boys cheering them on, I cant wait to see Christian play again. In the back of my mind is my conversation with Sean earlier but i need to get over it and concentrate on the game and what better way to do that then get to start taking photos. As I walk out the door I see Rachel like I wasn't stressed enough. "OMG Lorna is that really you!!" , she exclaimed at me. "Rachel Hey yes its really me, how are you long time no see". "Wait are you and Sean back together because he never said anything", Rachel asks. " No No my boyfriend actually got signed with the Belfast Giants this season" i say to her.
'Aw girl that's amazing cant believe your here, its been what 4 years"
"Yes omg i missed you"
"No same thought we were gonna be sisters"
"We can still be sisters girl don't let a man stop us"
"You know what yes your right lets catch up for lunch or something"
"Aw yes that would be lovely, I have to get down to the ice to get photos, I'm the new photographer"
"Aw thats so amazing Lorna, so happy for you, see you soon".
We give each other a hug and i head down the stairs.

Im down where the production team are, i get my camera out and start to take photos. The speakers announce "new comer this season Number 42 Christian Brown takes the ice for the second half, give him a very warm welcome". I jump up and down and scream for him I'm so proud. As the game proceeds Bobby scores a goal with the last 20 seconds remaining, i get the best photos ever, cant wait to edit these tonight. Before the 3rd half there is 20 minutes to spare so i run to the changing Room and give Christian a big hug.
"Hey bby how did i play", Christian says with a smile on his face.
"Amazing like old times i love watching you play makes me so happy, can't believe how far you have come" i say to him.
"Aw Lorna is love you so much, you are my everything", Christian says to me.
"Aw bby you're gonna make me cry I love you" i say to him.
The game is about to restart. I run back to Camera set up.

The 3rd period begins. Sean takes the ice, my heart feels weird. I just began to take photos. Im so in the zone with watching him play it feels like I'm back in Chicago watching him play. 4 years ago me would be so confused on what in the moment is happening right now. He skates round my direction and smiles at me. Like did anyone notice that because I did. What is happening? I can't be falling for him again that's not what is ament to be happening. I always ask myself if 4 years ago i said yes and travelled with him, would i be where I am today. I need to stop this madness about Sean. Before i know it Christian scores the last goal and the whole arena cheers him on, i start screaming as he looks at me and does his victory dance. Christian is skating and cant take that cheeky smile of his face, he's in his moment.
Jackson runs up to him and gives him a bro hug, followed by the whole team. The speakers announce, "Belfast Giants take their first win of the season with Christian Brown scoring the last goal, Nashville Cowboys have lost a good one". Everyone is cheering as the team skate round and cheer. I see Christian he says, "me and the boys are going out for drinks to celebrate". I reply, "of course bby have fun", as i give him a hug. "Now go have fun idiot", i say to him and he cheeky smirks back at me and says, "I love you my darling". I smile at him as he walks away.

I head back to the apartment to have a chill night by myself feel like I need a chill night in while Christian is out. I get home get in the shower and scrub my makeup off and wash my grease ball of hair. I hop into bed and literally fall straight asleep i am exhausted. I hear the door creak open at 4am, looks like Christian had a good night. He comes in smiles at me and goes straight to sleep no words. Which is kind of werid, oh well I'm overthinking i fall back asleep.

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