Going to Beacon Hills

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Percy's PoV

I'm going to Beacon Hills this school year. I'm going because Paul got a job there. I really hope i don't blow it up. So anyway Leo made monster proof phones and other electronics so it wont attract any monsters. So we got to our new house and it was pretty big. Bigger than out apartment that's for sure. Tomorrows the first day of school.

'''''Next day'''''

I walked to the main office when school started to get my schedule. I went to my first class. I walked in just as the bell rang. "Ah the new kid, almost late for class. Everyone this is Percy Jackson. Sit next to McCall and Stilinski. Raise your hands," Coach said.

Two kids in the middle raised there hands. One was scrawny with brown hair whose smile reminded me of Kermit the frog. He was obviously ADHD. The other guy had a good build with dark hair and a crooked jaw. Some things not right about those two. I went over and sat down. The Kermit guy said," Hey I'm Stiles." They other guy said "I'm Scott"

"So where are you from?" Stiles said.

"I'm from New York," I replied.

"Cool, why did you move?" Scott asked.

"My step dad got a job here teaching. His name is Mr. Blofis."

"Cool" they said at the same time.

The rest of the class I just dozed off. And for the rest of the day until lunch. I sat at a table towards the back of the cafeteria. Just as I sat Scott and Stiles sat on either side of me. Then a few more people sat down. A girl with red hair, a younger kid, a girl with dirty blonde hair, and a girl with back hair.

"Hey guys this is Percy Jackson," Stiles said.

"Percy, that's Liam (the younger kid) Lydia (the red head) Malia (the dirty blonde) and Kira (the black haired girl)" Scott said.

"Hi" I said running my fingers threw my hair.

"Yo do you have a streak of silver in your hair?" Liam asked.

"Uh yeah I died it. There's some gold in it too," I lied. The gods had blessed me and the grey streak had turned silver and gold for some reason.

"Cool," He said.

"Want to come over my house to night we're watching a movie?" Scott asked.

"Sure, what movie?" I asked.

"Uh I don't know yet," He replied.

"Ok how about Star Wars you haven't seen it yet Scott," Stiles said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa you haven't seen star wars?! Have you been living under a rock?!" I exclaimed.

Just then the bell rang and I didn't pay attention at all during the rest of the classes.

'''''At the movie'''''

We decided to watch Star Wars but I almost fell asleep. Scott and Lydia got up and now since I was blessed by all of the gods I can basically do anything. Even Chaos blessed me. I'm now 3/4 god. So anyway I listened in on their conversation.

"Scott, I can sense a lot of death from him. I sense more of it on him than you have or anybody else here." Lydia said.

"Yeah he smell different. He's powerful. His smell is far different from a werewolf's, banshee's or anything else. I need to talk to Derek. Ok. I'll do it tomorrow." Scott said.

The movie ended pretty late so I took a short cut home when it was over. I was riding my bike through the woods to get to my house when a huge guy came barreling towards me. He rammed into me. The guy had glowing red eyes, fangs and claws I slammed to the ground. I jumped up and punched him breaking his nose. I then grabbed his arm and judo flipped him to the ground. I took his arm and snapped it. Then he howled like a wolf.

Four other people surrounded be. They had claws fangs and red eyes. I didn't take out riptide because I know that they aren't greek and I don't want to blow my cover. I instead take out a hunting knife. Two guys came forward and turned into one. They charged at me. I turned around and ran to a tree, kicked it and did a back flip over the guy(s). I swept their feet out from under them then broke their arms and they broke into two guys again. A girl charged she wasn't wearing any shoes. She kicked me in the chest leaving claw marks and ripping my shirt. She tried to kick me in the face but I grabbed her foot and twisted it breaking it.

Finally the guy with sunglasses came up. He's obviously the leader he took his cane and smacked me across the face. He took his claws and swiped at me. I went back but not far enough. I got three gashes across the face. I took my knife and tackled him. I stabbed his arm. I got pulled off. the others had gotten up. They though me into the tree. The leader bit me. I Can take one of them at a time without powers but not all of them. I got up and ran. I had no idea where I was going but I still ran. They were chasing me. I soon got to a cliff. I'm cornered. The leader once again stepped forward. "I'm Deucalion," he said," We will let you go if you tell me where he is" Why would he want Scott?

"Never heard of him" I lied.

"Don't lie I smell him all over you," He snarled.

Ok so I then made a very stupid decision. I threw my knife at his leg then ran right past them. "GET HIM" Deucalion shouted. I ran back to my bike I went to Scotts house as fast as I could. The other were still there. I pounded on the door. Blood was still pouring down my face and chest from the scratches. Lydia opened the door. "Oh my god!" She shouted,"Come in!" The others started to come over.

"Scott your in trouble! This dude named Dukelion or whatever attacked me with some other people their looking for you. And Duke, yeah that's what I'll call him, bit me. Like what the hell," I explained.

"Wait he bit you!" Stiles exclaimed

"Uh yeah why doe he have rabies or something?" I asked

"Ah something like that," Maliah said.

"Listen Percy he was a werewolf. So that means your a werewolf too. How did you get away though they're Alphas?" Scott asked.

At that I explained what happed. He then explained how he got turned.

"Ok now Percy, I want you to get mad. Get mad and shift into a werewolf," Scott said.

I thought about Gaea, about how she killed so many people, thought about Luke, I thought about how the camps got destroyed and I felt my self changing. I looked at my hands. I had claws. I felt my teeth and there were fangs.

"OK," I said," Now what?" I noticed they were looking at my eyes.

"Um your eyes are glowing red," Kira said.

"Um I that bad?" I asked.

"I don't know. But your face could still have a faint mark because of the scratch almost unnoticeable," Liam said.

"I should get going my mom is probably freaking out," I said leaving.

This time I'm not taking the short cut. So when my mom got home she was waiting for me. I told her I was watching some movies at Scott's. She didn't see my ripped shirt cause Scott gave me a jacket to where. So I went to bed after and slept dreamlessly for once.

A/N So yes I know that basically everyone in this wasn't there during Dukelion but I decided that this will happen right before season five. Also Scott is not an Alpha yet he will become in this story though.

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