Prologue - Before the Adventure Began...

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Location: Y/n's Apartment - Lonely Hills Apartments - Downtown Creation City

Date: March 24, 2021

Time: 5:55 PM

Weather - Heavy Thunderstorms


It was a dark and stormy night in Downtown Creation City, where everyone is staying home at night due to a report from the weatherman that they'll be having 3 days' worth of heavy rain with an 80% chance of thunderstorms and the city advised everyone to stay in their homes for the next three 3 days to avoid getting struck by lightning.

This is a story of a young adult man by the name of Y/n L/n, who is having a very bad day today after a rough day at his dead-end job and is currently living in a low-income apartment far away from his abusive parents that took him long enough to have a place to himself. Y/n is never had the thought of being in a horrible life and all he really wanted is to be accepted for once.

But that will probably never happen and the only friends that he has was his video games that he managed to buy off the money that he saved when he was still working under the same dead-end job with a terrible boss that has no good qualities whatsoever. So, it's a good thing that he was able to get himself a nice place for himself and he always managed to pay the rent and the power/water bill to keep it that way, so that he can be away from the harsh society that always give Y/n a very bad time.

It's like the Joker always says that one very bad day can turn an ordinary person into a life of crime, but he is not one of those types of people to go through that kind of path and would just brush it off that kind of feeling until the day is over. The video games he plays on his standard television set is the only thing that makes him truly happy and carefree as it keeps him away from the harsh realities from outside world of video games.

Y/n is also an expert in video games as he learns a lot of things from the games that he plays that gives him the knowledge of what to deal with in the outside world despite that it's only a video game and all of it that happens in the game isn't real at all and Y/n already knew that once he first got his first game console from the local thrift store in Downtown Creation City.

Then before the horrible storm hit on Creation City, Y/n was able to get himself a Nintendo 64 and a copy of the infamous, but very well-known game since 2001, Conker's Bad Fur Day from the local thrift store and he came back here in order to play before the storm knocks out the power to the apartment complex he lives in.

So, he grabs him a can of Crystal Cola and cooks him a Lonely Man TV Dinner in the microwave before he can get comfy on the couch and play his new game after a long stressful day at work. He began to set up the Nintendo 64 system he bought to his TV set and placed the game into the slot and once the TV dinner is finished cooking in the microwave, he sat down on his bean bag chair, turned on the TV and the Nintendo 64 console and is ready to play his new game tonight.

Y/n has heard about the game known as Conker's Bad Fur Day from the internet, where a red squirrel named Conker was having a very bad fur day after losing his now deceased girlfriend named Berri after he defeated the fabled Panther King and became the land's newest king.

Somehow, that Y/n actually felt really bad for Conker giving the fact that he risked his own life to get back home to his girlfriend until she died a horrible death after he went on an entire journey throughout the entire kingdom. If Y/n was there at the same time before Berri was killed, he would've stopped Berri from get shot from the Panther King's right-hand man, Don Weazo.

Y/n: Wow....Conker...he's a lot like me, having a really bad day after he is dealing with all of that trouble to get back home with his girlfriend. I just wished that I was inside of that game so I can experience the world of Conker's Bad Fur Day and I would feel the thrill of adventure inside a video game like this and be accepted for once than having a bad day in this world I'm in.

Then suddenly, Y/n's smart phone is starting to go off, bringing out a storm warning alarm saying that a strange weather pattern is happening during the terrible storm and then Y/n saw the streaks of lightning coming from outside of his patio window until the lighting suddenly struck onto Y/n's TV along with his new game system and it caused the power to go out in a couple city blocks away from the apartment complex.

Y/n looked up to see his own TV and game system was completely untouched after the lightning bolt landed on, but when Y/n went over to turn the TV back on it wouldn't work.

Y/n: Damn it! I paid $30 for that TV, and I've spent my hard-earned money from my dead-end job on that N64 and that game for it. God damn it! Why does this always happen to me!? All I wanted to be accepted like everyone else instead of having to deal with this kind of endless torture from everyone else in the entire world! Is that too much to ask?!

Before Y/n continue to complain about the worst things that he had to deal with in his whole life, the TV suddenly turned itself back on, which made him completely confused to what's going on right now.

The TV screen was all white until a gloved hand reached in from the TV Screen and grabbed Y/n by the shirt collar and started pulling into the TV.

Y/n: What the?! What the heck is happening!?!

???: You want fun?? Well, we'll show you fun!!

Then with a hard tug, Y/n was dragged into the TV screen and fell into a portal to what might be to another dimension to who knows where and it's only for Y/n to find out to where he is heading because he's about to have a really bad fur day.





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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