Chapter 9: The Fundraiser and Disasters

Start from the beginning

As the both walked together in absolute silence they then narrowed their eyes to see 20 cars lined up to get their 'washed and their were only 5 people helping. Sonic wasn't really thinking before grabbing Shadow's hand and dragging him towards the 5 people who were washing, "Hey everyone, since yall are doing okay here can we start on another car" all the helpers then all shouted "Yes!" as them continued washing the car they seemed to be stuck on? The blue and black and red hedgehog then head to the next car, while they were slowly walking Sonic then remembered that he snatched Shadow's hand. The blue one just looked down before pulling away his hand and awkwardly looked away and smiled.

They both stopped walking as they were met with a car, around the area was some soap water in a barrel like bucket and a hose connected the many pipes far away. The ebony hedgehog then started washing the car as the azure one followed and started right after. "Oh shit!" Shadow whispered out loud as the blue hedgehog's ears flickered and then looked up, Shadow wore a red long sleeved t-shirt which was now wet with water and had soap all over it with little bubbles here and there. Sonic then looked at him as his muzzle was then fully red, Shadow had took off his t-shirt and just threw it one-side. His chest fur just stood out more than anything, it just looked fluffy and messed up because of the shirt over it, the blue hedgehog looked at him from head to his air shoes as his eyes then landed on his abs. "Sonic?" The ebony one asked as Sonic then snapped out of it, he had the hose on his shirt as it soaked in turning the light blue shirt into a dark blue, "I hate water...ew" Sonic whispered to himself. "HEY! WE CAME HERE FOR A CAR WASH NOT SOME ROMANTIC MOVIE BULLSHIT!" The mobian in the car they were washing rolled down there window and shouted. The both washers then looked at each other, their hearts both pounding out of their chests as they continued to wash.

As the last car drove off, they both headed to the 5 persons who were helping with the cleaning, all of them then squealed when they saw Shadow still shirtless since they were all apparently horny teenage girls. Shadow just rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna get a shirt before they go even more crazy" since they were still in school, the hedgehog didn't have no extra shirts and he didn't want to run around the city like this so he just Chaos Controlled to his mansion before appearing right next to Sonic where he was standing when he left, which he still stood there waiting.

They both then finally walked up to them where they were standing, "We're done with all the cars, can you girls handle this last one?" Shadow asked as they just nodded trying not to say something they'll regret. Shadow and Sonic then left as they looked for the rest of the group, everyone was all splitted up into different categories as they helped, the yellow two tailed fox was supervising the kids as their parents were around somewhere in the school, the red echidna was helping them sell things like home decor and stuff, the pink hedgehog and the flirty bat were selling cosmetics to women who just look like they needed it.

After almost everything was sold out and the mobians started leaving, the group then met up as it got darker. "I'm exhausted!" The group said in sync. "We should celebrate after working so hard" Knuckles then said as everyone agreed. "So where will we go?" The yellow fox asked, "Do you guys wanna go to the bar" the bat then said with her flirty voice, "Wait, do you guys even have a fake IDs?" Rouge then asked as everyone looked at each other as they shook their head except Shadow. "Okay then....but don't worry I'll get us in" she then smirked as they all got excited, since all of them were sixteen and seventeen, they had IDs' but it states their real ages which they couldn't use.

The blue hedgehog's group then stopped infront of a place, there was a neon colored that blinked, it coincidentally wrote 'Rouge Bar' which was the name of it. On the outside was a navy blue colour with a hint of mint green, it also had two small windows on either sides of the building. As they were about to walk in, some red fox dressed in an all black suit came out of now where and stopped them, "Most of you all look under age, show me your ID". The pink hedgehog here was about to go up and speak until Shadow put out his hand to stop her as Rouge came into play with her flirty voice, "Were all twenty one, no need to check our IDs just take my word for it" she tried to said it in her famous voice to make it look like she was just convincing him but in reality she was compelling him."Yes! That's true, right this way everyone" the security guard then moved out of the way letting them pass.

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