♡ 14 | Last Tango, Then Paris

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"While you're at it, check if there is an ancient rune for 'pain in the neck'" you add with a teasing smirk.

Hermione rolls her eyes, chuckling.

While she finishes packing, you mull over her words, realizing that perhaps it's time to at least attempt to bridge the gap with Harry. 


Harry, Ron, Dean, Neville, and Seamus had just finished packing when there was a brisk knock at their door.

"Wait!" Harry hisses as Ron moves to open the door. "Check who it is first!"

"It's Hermione..." Ron peers through the keyhole.

"Okay, then," Harry relaxes, settling into his bed.

"...And Y/N," Ron adds as he clicks the door open.

"No! Don't open the door!" Harry yells, his voice filled with urgency, as he dives under his bed, frantically searching for his invisibility cloak. Meanwhile, Dean, Neville, and Seamus burst into laughter, thoroughly entertained by Harry's sudden panic.

Ron opens the door just as Harry manages to pull his invisibility cloak out from under the bed. Hermione stands in the doorway, holding a plate of homemade fudge, and Y/N is beside her, looking slightly bemused by Harry's sudden dive.

"Hey, Harry," Hermione greets, offering the plate of fudge. "We thought we'd come by and wish you all a Merry Christmas before we head off."

"Merry Christmas, mate," you say to Ron, a mischievous glint in their eye as they notice Harry's predicament.

Harry emerges from under the bed, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Uh, thanks," he stammers, accepting the plate of fudge from Hermione. "Sorry, I thought you were...someone else."

"Clearly," Ron quips, a smirk playing on his lips while you roll your eyes, humming.

Hermione chuckles, rolling her eyes at Ron's teasing. "Well, we'll leave you to it then," she says, giving Harry a knowing look. "Get dressed, Ron and Harry, we're seeing Y/N and Cedric off with Malfoy."

"Right," Harry mutters dune this breath "Malfoy..."

"Why you-" you begin to yell.

 "I'm first for the shower!" Ron exclaims, chuckling nervously, already moving to grab his towel. "Better hurry if you want to go next, or at all, Harry."

"Yes, we'll meet you in the Great Hall." Hemrionie is equally frantic to defuse the fuse lit between you and Harry "C'mon, Y/N. We'll meet them there."

Once Ron and Harry out of earshot, Hermione turns to you with a knowing look. "We need to talk about this, Y/N," she says, her tone serious but sympathetic. "You and Harry can't keep avoiding each other like this."


"He really isn't coming..." you think, a hint of disappointment lingering in your mind. "Is he?"

"He'll be here," Hermione reassures you, sensing your unease.

"Who?" you ask, momentarily confused.

"Harry," Hermione responds, rolling her eyes in exasperation as you, Hemrionie, Ron, Draco and Cedric stand at the chimney in the Great Hall. You hold your trunking one hand and a fistful of flu powder in the other, all packed and ready to leave for France. 

"Oh, him," you reply with a nervous giggle. "I don't really care if he comes to say goodbye or not." Despite your nonchalant words, a part of you can't help but wonder if Harry will show up before you leave for France.

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora